
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Wedding: The next day.

September 8….So there I was…married.
And awake at 7:30.

I decided since I didn’t have an overnight bag, it may be somewhere in the hotel waiting for me. Here’s the problem, I only had the clothes that I wore into the wedding suite…my dress, shoes, and undergarments. Matt had an overnight bag so I rummaged through his bag to see what would work on me. He had a Sioux XXL t-shirt and a pair of shorts that I rolled up to keep them on my hips. The other issue was undergarments…I only had the bra with boning for my wedding with a million hooks in the back….and I made it work. Shoes were a bit tricky too, while I loved my wedding shoes and they were amazing for the 16 hours that I wore them…they and my feet had suddenly become incompatible overnight and the blisters and soft spots wouldn’t allow me to wear them unless I had a slight pain resulting in a slight limp. So I determined screw it…Barefoot was the option.

So there I was in the hotel of pursuit of my overnight bag that I specifically told my mother and father neeeeeeeedddssssss to come into the hotel and either be given to Eric or dropped at the front desk so I can prepare for gift opening and Sunday family day. So I went down to our “spare” room that the hotel had given us for wedding gifts and items…affectionately known as 206. Not there but I did find a sheppard hook from the ceremony, our street markers, a cake stand and 30 cupcakes…mmmm breakfast. I then headed down to the front desk and managed to catch my family (Grandma, Grandpa, Trent, Wendy, Harry, and Lisa) at breakfast in the hotel restaurant. What was funny that the night before Jay had told me that breakfast was going to be at 7:30 and I was only 15 minutes late…and he wasn’t even there! I visited with them a bit (in my wedding make up, wedding hair, and barefeet) before heading off to the front desk in hopes…only to have more family and friends see me in my bridal glory. Nothing at the front desk. But they did take pity on me and gave me a toothbrush and toothpaste.
So after my visit with Eric (see conversation from 9-26’s blog post), I searched his room and came up with nothing but a set of shoes that I had left there from getting ready for rehearsal. They were purple strap flats…which matched superbly with the green UND shirt and gray shorts…but at least I didn’t look like a squatter!

So Matt and I packed up all the final wedding items and loaded them in the vehicle. Settled the bill. And saw more family and friends as we left the hotel…I enjoyed seeing them and thanking them for the amazing night but I still was not in love with them seeing me!

Felt good to finally get home…see my overnight bag, still in my mother’s vehicle. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t mortified about my apparel but I went from a beautiful dress with hair and make-up to match to something a little less than desirable. I quick did some finessing with everyone in time to catch up with my family and wait for Matt’s family to arrive.

Gift opening was overwhelming and absolutely amazing. The weekend was unique because not only did I feel this overpowering sense of love and commitment from Matt but we felt this from friends and family who supported us at our ceremony or reception and then proceeded to shower us with gifts that we will make our home with. We got so many amazing items from personalized signs to put display in our house to a soda streamer to items for the camper and patio to kitchen items to a full luxury towel set and then the gift cards and cash to either use for the home or the honeymoon. One of my favorites was from my Aunt Descie, my godmother and one of our host couples, she has been blacksmithing and she created a beautiful brass sign that is perfect for our home and our style. Brought tears to my eys to see that personalized work that will following us wherever we make our home. Another honorable mention was what we got from our parents….my parents gave us a cherry wood deacon’s bench…similar to theirs but with a split seat. Will forever make me think of all the times I have spent on their bench and Matt’s parent gave us upgraded tickets to fly first class on our honeymoon….can’t wait to make that memory. Between all our family and friends…..How amazing. The generosity of everyone was exceptionally overpowering.

While opening gifts with the fabulous Sara recording them for us was fun and touching, I loved what the day was really about. We had a few members from my side and we had quite a bit of Matt’s family. My purpose for asking Mom to host gift opening was not so much to open gifts but to really showcase where I grew up and what Matt’s been working to help build and will now have a foothold in since we are married. I wanted to show our operation, the land, the buildings, the cattle- the actual experience. I take an amazing pride in where I’ve come from and Matt’s feet are more than wet with the work he’s been putting in and to show his family still brings a smile to my face. And to see my dad have a captive audience who is interested and actively asking questions was great! He could have spent days with Matt’s family!

Best meal: day old wedding cake.

Dad sits down with a made plate of food at the dinner table.
Jason: “So I’ve got questions, do you want to finish eating or can we do both now?”
Perry (with a huge smile): “We can do both!”

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