
Friday, November 25, 2016

Beholden (bih hohlduh n)

Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Baby's first Thanksgiving! We spent the holiday in Lansford with Michele, Randy, and Eric. This was the first holiday I've spent with Eric since being in the family and I know him being there meant so much to Michele. The day started off with the parade with the grand finale being Santa's arrival.

The dinner was amazing. Matt smoked a turkey. Michele made Randy a roasted turkey, two different styles of green beans, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, Grandma Lee's fruit salad, and I supplied the cranberry chutney.

Eleanor had her first bite of meat... my dad would be so disappointed to find out that it's not beef but instead turkey because she had to have turkey on Thanksgiving! She really enjoyed having dinner with us and it was fun to sit down as a family of to take it all in. I love Thanksgiving... growing up I never understood why it was a big deal to my mother, but now I understand... it's not about anything but food and family... my two favorite things.

Best meal: Michele did an amazing job with the meal from start to finish... the pies were so good - everything made me happy and full. I could eat a whole tray of stuffing myself!

Michele: Look, Eleanor, it's SANTA!
MJR: Mom, she doesn't know who Santa is.
Michele: Well, I'm showing her, it's him right there... SANTA!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Venatic (vee NAT ik)

Can't believe it's already the end of November... the weather has been beautiful this year and we have only just begun to see the cold temps and winds. This past weekend, we headed down south. It was Len's first trip to Grandma and Grandpa's. Matt went down to fill his deer and turkey tags, I went down to eat fried chicken. 

Len was pretty good until she got hungry and tired then got a bit crabby. It didn't help that she got shots the day before, which seemed to upset her a bit.
We ensured that she got herself measured up... all 27" of her! I don't know who was more proud of themselves... her for standing up and getting measured or Matt for still being the tallest in the Moser family! Either way, we all have our place on the wall!
Matt did fill both tags and had a really good time with Jaden and Sam who served as their neighborhood guides. They were deer hunting as well and Jaden got his buck.
On Sunday, we took it easy - it was practically a pajama day. We bummed around the house. Eleanor is getting very mobile and it's obvious as she's starting to get into things... it's only a matter of time.
best meal: it's always fried chicken and gravy with my Grandma... and she made angel food cake. Best meal ever.

having blts.
Eric: What's the sliced avocado for?
MJR: Amanda likes them on BLTs. 

ALR: You can have some.
MJR: You don't want to add mayo and avocado tho.
Eric: I can do both, cause this is 'Merica.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Plod (p lod)

It's been a week! We had our ups and down. Len celebrated her 6 month birthday.. well let's be really. Matt and I prided ourselves on making it 6 months. Len could have cared less. We had the day off so it worked perfect to have Jess come and take some shots. We are already seeing changes from one shoot to the next. She was able to sit up more on this one but we also worked harder at getting a smile because we knew she could deliver one. She's really starting to show her personality. There's nothing like hearing her laugh things out while we play. 
Because she is 6 months old, she also had her last day at Commerce. Many people were not happy about it. Ironically her and I were the most okay with it. She's doing so well at daycare and is happy to go and they've are playing with her and letting her roll around. At my office she gets hung up on chairs and furniture and becomes easily irritated. I was so happy that we had this time but I'm also happy that she's got a place where she's growing. I won't forget changing her on my file cabinets or having her sleep beside me while I work on reports or rocking while I was on a conference call. I watched her roll over on my floor and I was lucky to enjoy our time together.

Another happening was that we brought a dog home. After a few visits and some big decisions, we brought home a rescue dog, an English Pointer, Sam. He needs some love and some work as he has some basic discipline but seems to not want to always perform. We have been on some walks around the neighborhood. It's getting us out as a family. I'm glad it's been nice out this past week to get to know him a bit better.

Matt, Eric, and him went pheasant hunting on Sunday. There were a few mishaps but we had to remind ourselves he hasn't been with us a week and we need to be patient with him.

The lows this past week have been around the Dakota Access Pipeline. We've been dealing with the protests since this summer and this week they've become very visible in our lives. This week, the daycare went on lockdown twice this week as the protesting mob either marched by their front door or was within a couple blocks. It's aggravating for us for many reasons. I'm ready to see some resolution versus just waiting for the cold weather for the problem to solve itself. I think we are beyond that. This month we've seen so many protests between the DAPL and the feelings on Trump. I realize that Eleanor is protected from it right now due to her innocence but it makes me wonder how we are going to have these tough questions as she begins to grasp an understanding of the world around her. 

Best meal: We had another opportunity to have supper with Kevin, Jan, and Rick before they took off back home. The only way it could have been better is if Kevin would have sat beside me!

MJR looks at counter: Who's muffins are these?
ALR: Eric's.
MJR: Eric did you know you bought gluten free muffins?
Eric: What?
MJR: You paid like $2 a muffin because they are gluten free. 
Eric: I wanted muffins, they looked good.
MJR: Okay, well, they have other muffins that are cheaper.
The next day.
Eric: I ate my muffin this morning and it was Amazing!
A week later.
MJR looks at counter: who's muffins are there?
ALR: I bought them from Dan's, 2 for 1. They have gluten so they will taste like crap compared to Eric's. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Ode to an Orange Tabby

Today, I said good bye to my best friend and first love -
Today, we said good bye to TonyDanza.
Today is a day that I've dreaded, cried over, and hate.

I acquired him from a Minot pet store in 2006. From there's he's made multiple moves with me - 10 in total. He's had multiple roommates and other live in pets. Some he's taken to, some he never did. The only consistency in his past 10 years that I've come home to him. He's been there to watch me cry myself to sleep and also danced around the kitchen with me. He's been a tenderfooted cuddler and companion. He's met me at the door most days and kept me company in the kitchen - hoping and begging for a handout.
He's always had his own personality... whether it's was his perfectly timed sneezes, or his love of cheese - especially string cheese, or his naughty ways of getting up on counters to get into food. He once hauled an entire loaf of bread from the top of the fridge through the kitchen, down the stairs, through the living room, into my bedroom and proceeded to eat it there on the floor. He has helped himself to a ground beef pack - and was blatantly guilt when we asked him and Lola who the culprit was. He's been known to gently tap at you to let you know he's interested in what you are eating or preparing. He also was a perfect distraction in my college days as he used to "fetch" these pink fuzzy socks... I'd keep throwing across the room and he'd retrieve them, dragging them under his chest.

Aside from his fascination and focus on food, he was acutely aware of people's emotions. When I was having a rough day, he'd jump into the bed and crawl under the cover and just purr. He did this for a past roommate too who was going through some stuff. I don't know how he did it but he always knew when things weren't right and he'd cuddle in. There were times the past couple months when Len would cry and he'd come up and cry and tap on my leg.

It wasn't these little quirks that made him stand out to me, or made him special. For a long time, it was just him and I. We were all each other needed. He watched me grow up into my adulthood. He watched me date, get married, and bring home my first baby. Maybe he didn't do well with all these changes but I can't blame him. He struggled when my pregnant belly made little room for him on my lap and maybe this was the start of his end. Maybe he looked at the fact that he did what he needed to do. He got me through those long night. He loved me like I needed to do for myself.

To my little friend - thank you for the laughs, but more importantly, thank you for the love... you will not be forgotten any time soon. ALR

Pursuant (per soo uhnt)

It's been a full week... it started out historical... for the first time in 108 years, the Cubs won the World Series. Matt was a full range of emotion. The highs were high, the lows were low. The nerves were raw and in the end when Rizzo caught the ball and made history, there was a sweet relief.

This past weekend we went to Lansford for opening deer weekend and unofficial Remynse brother reunion. Kevin and Jan came from California, Rick came from Michigan, and we came up with Eric. It was a full house, for sure. Was so nice to introduce them to Len - she was on her best behavior and had all the right smiles at all the right times. She did sleep pretty well though as it's hard work to be such a good baby. Grandma and Grandpa also got the opportunity to feed her some solid foods. They found out that this is still a process - we are getting better but mastery is still a bit off.

Eleanor even had the appropriate wardrobe as Great Uncle Kevin got her a camo shirt that she wore and Auntie Alaina had given her a hunting dog shirt that fit.

We had too nice of weather while we were there, who would have thought that the first week of November we'd be seeing record temps, 76 degrees.

There were a couple goals while we were there. Matt and Eric's goal was to go goose hunting. While they went, they didn't get anything except the opportunity to take out all their decoys and open up the blind for a bit. The weather was too nice and the birds just wouldn't come in.

Randy and Kevin's goal was to take down a few deer. Both managed to come up successful. We were there when Randy got his and had an impressive shot of 200 yards with the deer going down. The buck was pretty good sized and required 4 Remynses to get it into the truck to haul it off.

My and Michele's goal was to get into the house that they are purchasing. I'm so glad that Michele has found a house that she's in love with and with a little bit of land, they have room to spread out. Whether it's a large herb garden, rows of corn and raspberries, a poll barn, an apple tree... they have the space to make some options. I would expect to maybe even see a swingset. It's a beautiful property that needs a lot of love right now. I'm excited to see Michele's vision come through as she's assessing the current layout, picking out cupboards, and thinking about the big details.
We also toured the property and was amazed at what we found, in the potato cellar, there was so much junk to see. That project may come a couple years down the road.

Best meal: Kevin and Jan brought up salmon, tuna, and crab to share with the group. They know the way to my heart. With both fish prepared a different way it was all so good! I know I've said it before and I'll say it again, Kevin really is wonderful!

Michele to EER: Oh, Baby you look so good in green!
MJR to ALR: Wasn't she so beautiful in blue yesterday?
ALR: Yes.
MJR: Hasn't she said the same thing about red and yellow?
ALR: Yes.
MJR: Hmmm. 

ALR to MJR: Do you see that (pointing to Randy who is feeding EER squash)
MJR snickers: yes, he has a unique approach there.
ALR: I don't think that he's realized that if you hold her hand down that also makes you one handed.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Masquerade (mas kuh reyd)

We started the week off single-mommying it. Matt was in Chicago for a work conference, just in time for the start of the World Series. We made sure to represent the best way we could... dressing up the baby! She was the cutest cubs fan out there! We are pulling for them to win their first series since 1908.

So to start off the week, I made a batch of baby food for Len. We started off with one of her favorites - PEAS! She didn't think they were too bad! When Matt saw them, he thought they looked disgusting...not sure what he was expecting! I also made a batch of squash too this week. Solid food eating is not going too bad... she's got her days where things go down pretty well and then there's days where she is a hot mess!

We are officially in teething mode and it's not fun - for any of us. she's a drool bucket and gets fussy pretty easy and is waking up in the night and is looking for relieve any place she can get it. Nothing has popped through yet but I'm hoping we get something with a little relief soon!

It was a stay-at-home weekend. We haven't had one of those in awhile... and it was nice to get some things done that have been tabled all summer... like reorganizing my closet to determine what's maternity, what's not, and what fits. Matt's side is not done yet... but I suppose it's a work in progress. I worked on this while Matt and Eric took the boat for a final sail and Eleanor got her brief nap in for the day. We also raked a bunch of the leaves in the yard - probably phase 1 of the leaves. We winterized as much as we dared by putting away chairs and planters and decorations. It's nice that we were able to wait until the end of October to do it but that doesn't mean I liked doing it.

On Monday, we celebrated Len's first Halloween! I am fully aware that this holiday was more for us then her... next year may be a bit different but we took her around a little bit to some family and a few of Matt's co-workers. I got a bit aggressive with the trick-or-treating schedule and we ended up with tired, crabby penguin who did not care about her little hat and seeing people.

Best meal: Matt made pizza and with the homemade dough, homemade sauce, garden jalapenos, and fresh mozzarella a co-worker brought us from WI, it was so amazing!

MJR while driving, looks in rear view mirror: Our penguin is sleeping.
ALR: Halloween is hard.

The next day ALR messaging friend Brandi.
Brandi: (Loved her penguin costume.)
ALR: It was something Matt and I could agree on! Ha! She was pretty okay with it too. Until 715... then she was having nothing to do with it but wanting to sleep.
Brandi: i'm like that too when I party hard in penguin costumes.