
Saturday, September 11, 2021

8 years, weather change, breakfasts out

We celebrated a wedding anniversary. Matt and I joke often that we aren't the people we married. Meaning, he's not the man I married and vice versus - I'm not the woman he married. But to get deep in thoughts quick, we really aren't. Life has changed us. Kids have changed us. The world has changed us. We communicate differently, we have different triggers, different pet peeves, and styles or preferences. But here's where it gets important - we have grown together and instead of holding on to that person that we once were, we have accepted and cherished it. I can't expect him to be the boy I fell in love with and to be honest, I love that man I'm married to in a whole different way, one that is deep, true, forgiving, and playful. He is my person. He is my support system. He answers my call, loves me in spite of my flaws and sassitude, and makes me smile every single day. I think of the children that we are raising together and I've hoped for many things for them... hoped they are kind, tenacious, find happiness, and I continue to want those things for them but probably more than anything I hope that they find and receive love like I have/get from their father. 

We celebrated 8 years together pretty lowkey - we got things that we enjoy, pretzel bites, mussels, sushi, fish dip, and cooked them up together with the kids. As I sipped some great cider and listened to their laughter and chatter I realized that little circle, that I was a part of, was the best thing in my life.  

The week creeped by for the most part - we went on a bike ride. We did the school scene. We had the last hot day of the year (we are guessing). We put on suits and had one shot at the river/dessert - the chill cut a bit more in the air than it had in the past but that didn't stop them from having fun. 

We had some breakfasts out too - Saturday was at the zoo, Sunday was at the airport. Saturday night we headed to Wes and Kristi's for a potential final smore of the season. That was after a day of cleaning - Matt and I went through the garage and worked to organize. There were a lot of things that went out to the curb - which was intentional as it was powwow weekend. We were able to get rid of a TON of things and it felt good to clean a bit more out. 

EER: How do you spell "Free"?
Thinking he heard her wrong, MJR: Free or three?
EER: Free, like grab what you want? F - R - E - E?
MJR: Free, yes, very good!
ALR: Did you see that out on that table?
EER: Yes.
ALR: Good reading!

Grady drawing a family pic.. in order from top (L-R): Matt, me, Lola, Grady, Eleanor, and Ainsley (Green one with less hair) We are at the river. 

Monday, September 6, 2021

Labor Day Routine and Relaxation

 It was a nice weekend. Sure, everyone says that about holiday weekends but it was nice. We got so much done around the house - organizing, cleaning, sorting, AND also the kids played well and played together. Don't get me wrong. There was squabbling but it's getting to a place of harmony with little intervention. 

Let's breakdown the week....

G was kid of the day on Monday - for his birthday. Part of me was very glad that he got to celebrate his birthday with classmates. When daycare closed up, my heart broke a bit as he wasn't able to bring snacks in for his friends and was stuck with celebrating just with us. We brought spiderman colored donuts (red, blue, and black). 

E is blossoming in school. She's bringing home work that she is proud of and is putting her heart and abilities into. I haven't seen her color this well in a long time. Matt says dropoff with her is a DREAM... she can't wait to get out of the car. She gets to school a bit early and goes into the gym where she sits with her classmates or can have breakfast. We are encouraging her to have breakfast but she rarely does. She comes home chattering and talking about the things she's learned. It's exciting to see her exciting and retaining info. 

Ains - well Ains is officially in her second week of daycare. I don't drop her off and I'm glad. Matt says it's a bit horrible. You wouldn't guess it when you pick her up, she's chatty and likes to play with her friends. She talks well of her daycare, until you pull into the parking lot. 

We stayed busy over the weekend.... Matt took E golfing on Friday night. We had smores on Saturday and he and the bigs slept outside in the tent. Sunday we did some running around, took care of some outstanding projects and cleaning. Monday, we went out to celebrate Mom and Dad mostly being done with their silage pile. The kids like hanging out with the kitties, which is not mutual. 

That night after golf...
MJR: Eleanor said she wants to it way up in the air.
ALR: What did you say?
MJR: I told her it took me a long time to be able to do it.
ALR: It's still taking mama years to get it in the air.
MJR: I didn't bring that up. I almost got a hole in one.
ALR: I don't want to hear it. I just want to get my ball in the air.
MJR: It took me a long time to be able to do that.

MJR: It's really nice to get into a routine.
ALR: What?? I feel like we are all over the place - family pics, I have that conference.
MJR: Well, yeah, but that's normal unnormal. We have places to go each day and I know where people are going, unlike August when each day was different.
ALR: Oh, well, yeah, I guess BUT they don't seem to know we are in a routine.
MJR: But I know. 

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Split room start, stickers, water pitcher

My children really are beautiful - they have these souls that make my heart smile and there are things that they do that I never want to forget. This weekend, each had an experience that I want to hold onto.

The children are growing older and with that there has become an awareness that they are different. Specifically that E and Ains are girls and G is a boy. We've been talking about putting the girls together and getting G into his own room but Ains hasn't been the most ideal sleeper and even worse at going to bed so we've held off. We had considered putting them together during the summer BUT when we had so many big changes already with new daycares and schools and friends and teachers that we figured it would be time for a hold off. However, my son is a boy and after a bath is in no hurry to get dressed and I decided maybe it was time to start the move in ways that we could - like clothes and dressing spaces. Here's the hold... E and G are buddies - they are total partners in crime and moving them apart will give them sadness as they like to be together (95% of the time). So I sat her down and began to explain what was going on... as we got deeper into the conversation it took a turn I wasn't expecting.

ALR: So, yes, in November, Grady will have his own room.
EER: And Ainsley will be in here.
ALR: Yes
EER: Because he is a boy.
ALR: Yes, and you are a girl and you can share a room with a boy when you are older and you are either in love or married.
Plain-faced, open eyes, earnest EER: But, I love him and I already married him. 

Later when Grady came to see what was going on, mid-move:
GRR: What's going on?
EER: We are moving your clothes into the other room because you have a penis and I don't need to see it. 

With Matt and I leaving for GA soon so I went to Target to grab some last minute items we needed. G went with me. We shopped for 30 minutes, maybe an hour and when we were checking out, he asked the cashier with all his manners if he could have a sticker. The cashier presented him two - which kept him preoccupied for the next 10 minutes - looking the puppy in clothes and sunglasses and whatnot. When we got home, E met us in the garage to show him something. He promptly took one of his two stickers, peeled it off the paper and put it on Eleanor's shirt. She hugged him, said thanks and went to go show her dad. He looked at me and said, "I'm going to give this other one to Ainsey"

And that moment made tears sting in my eyes. This little boy was willing to give his sisters all he had because he knew that it brought smiles to their faces. He really is the best brother anyone could have asked for and his generosity of heart made me realize what a wonderful man he's learning to be... something to aspire to. I hugged him, kissed him, and told him how nice that gesture was. He almost seemed surprised for being commended... like it was a normal, everyday, unquestionable thing. 


Now my girls have fires in their bellies. Not the same fire but this deep conviction of personality and light. Eleanor's is this smoldering coal bed - a drive from within that runs deep and strong - not easily put out. Ainsley's is a massive fireball - with big flames and high heat, it's all show and quick to move. She's been our textbook two year old complete with "me do it" and the checklist before bedtime and the full on body drop tantrums. Well, we ran into one of those at lunch on Sunday. We've used a pitcher of water on the table - to prevent E & G from making 400 trips over to the sink to refill their glasses. Ainsey sees them and wants to too fill her own glass. 

So there she was, in a vehemently "I do it!" grabbing the pitcher and shaking it.. that is until the water came out and splashed all around, dumping on her. This creates a new level of pissed-off because now she has water all over her shirt and pants. 

Other things on the agenda - baseball, smores, cleaning, organizing, school   

Monday, May 24, 2021

something I didn't want to forget

Driving to school.

ALR: Eleanor, they are digging up the road.
ALR points to the street ahead. 
EER: What are they doing?
ALR looking: I think they are putting water line under the road.
EER: When are they putting in a milk line?

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Fall Fail, Easter Eggs, Easter Hunt, Easter Basket

 I returned to the living! I got my second negative on my COVID test and could return to work and emerge from the basement. The kids were excited! I was excited! 

It's been a windy week. Not just a little windy, crazy-knock-the-playhouse-over-and-blow-it-20feet-

down windy. This kids watched the playhouse and the smoker go over. The weather has been warming up but it's getting so dry. At this rate, there will be no campfires or fireworks, and those are the good things. It was be devastating for crops and cattle too. Matt righted the house and took the tarp off. Everyone has been loving the house and it makes my heart smile.

We headed to the Capitol on Friday - it was a nice day and it was time to check out the landscaping and walk a bit. They redid the entrance last summer and now this spring, it's finished and the gates came down. The kids got to play on the stairs and think it's the best thing. We did have a bit of an issue on Friday night - after a bike ride, we stopped at a nearby park. G tripped going up a set of stairs and that resulted in a trip to the urgent care. Scared the crap out of me was glad it was glue and bandaids but I reckon he'll have a reminder for a long time to come. 

We were a bit late on the Easter things too thanks to my quarantine. Eggs didn't get dyed until Easter day and this year I had some ornaments to paint too. We tried painting two different ways - the first was to put food coloring in whip cream and then roll the egg through the coloring. I liked but was harder than I thought to do and harder to clean the eggs off. We also used the coffee filter, marker approach. They colored coffee filters, wrapped the egg and then painted the egg with a vinegar solution. Worked so well! 

But the main event of Easter was heading to Denise's to celebrate. We had lunch and did a big egg hunt followed by bubbles, chalk, and kites. 

Another notable event was Easter baskets. The Easter bunny hides baskets in our house and the know to look all over. Ains's was easy behind the couch, G's was in some boxes, and E's may have been the hardest to find... under the entry bench. They love looking through before heading on a hike and quick park stop.  

On Monday, the kids were home for Easter break. We split the day - mom made cinnamon rolls and we played all over the house. Dad went out and about, taking in the river. It was one of those weekends that were crazy and all over the place but gave you that sigh at the end because it was good to welcome spring with the ones that we love. P.S. Eleanor filled out her entire new tracing book in 2 hours. G liked the new markers and proceeded to share them with his little sister who demanded to use them.
Dinner is over. 
ARR continues to yell.
ALR: Do you know what she wants?
MJR: No - should I?
ARR a bit garbled: Sandwich!
MJR: You want a sandwich.
ARR nods: Up Down Sandwich! 
Hand/arm gestures accompany demand of arm going up and down.
MJR: You want an Up Down Sandwich? 
Looks at ALR, MJR: What is that?
ALR: I don't know?!
MJR removes her from her chair: Show me.
ARR walks over to bread drawer. 
MJR: Okay, yes, you want a sandwich. 
MJR holds ARR up a bit as she keeps pointing to the bread drawer. 
MJR opens bread drawer up wide. 
ARR grabs at toaster.
MJR: You want toast.
ARR: Up Down Sandwich.

Pics from Easter Day

Monday, March 29, 2021


 This week was not the norm for us. Matt had his second COVID shot this week on the same day that I went into quarantine. The pandemic has been going on for a straight year and this is the first time that we've had a serious worry. G had a close contact quarantine last fall but we quarantined as a family because he'd already been around us. This case was different. I had an interview with a legislator. I had messaged him earlier and let him know that I would be running late - he in turn said he was running late. Our meeting started 17 to 20 minutes late. We dove into the topics I had and suddenly he looked at his phone commenting on a number that kept calling him. It was his results of his rapid COVID test. He got a positive result. We had been sitting across the table from each other for 18-20 minutes. I was so mad at myself as I even had my mask sitting there but had had a juice and a banana while waiting. 

The rest of the week drug - Matt took it head on being the sole provider of the kids - including swimming lessons, pick up and drop off, meals, baths, wake-up and putting to bed. I won't lie that I have joked about some time off and getting away but this was harder than I thought because we are a team together. 

We did tell the kids that I was "working" but unfortunately that didn't work out the best as they asked to see my room - and wouldn't let it go. I even tried to change the subject or avoided the question. 
Matt took them out and kept them occupied. He's never been one that wants to stay in. Even took them to check out a campsite and have a picnic. I will find out next week if I did contract the virus or not. I'm a bit nervous and shouldn't google any symptoms!

EER: Mom - can you read what this paper says?
ALR: Point me at the paper.
EER: How about now?
ALR: No, I can only still see the ceiling, I can't see the words.
EER points at the words she wants read.
ALR: I can see your finger, Eleanor, but I can't see the words.
EER twists camera off the paper.
ALR: Oh, Eleanor, I love you.
EER: I love you too, Mom, can you read it now.
ALR: No, I can only see your face!

Update: As of Monday - I took a rapid test on Monday and got my first negative. I'll test again on Wednesday to see if I can rejoin society. 

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Leprechaun trap, Ft Lincoln Hike, Shot 1

Spring is here!! Not just because the calendar says it or not because the kids must be learning about it in school but because we can feel it. The weather has been amazing. We've been walking, bike riding, strollers, it feels good to let them out into the wilderness!

It's been a crazy week, I will admit, I'm ready for swim lessons to be over not because they aren't good for the kids - they love it. Look forward to it each week but because it's so much juggling. Here's how it goes - I leave work early, grab E. We head to the Aquatic Center - change and she has her swim lessons. They last 30 minutes. She gets out - I get her back into normal clothes, Grady usually shows about this time with Matt and Ains. I get him into swim clothes. Matt takes the girls and heads home to finalize supper. Grady starts his 30 minute lesson. He finishes, we change back and we go home to have supper that the others are just about finished up with. We clean up. Do baths to get the chlorine off, read books, and go to bed. For the bigs - swim nights tend to be easy sleep nights. Ains is another story. BUT we are coming down to the final weeks of swimming. E has been working hard. G needs to work a bit harder at following directions. He's fully invested in the splashing and jumping and getting wet and his kicking is a bit overzealous BUT he's a bit of a disruption. sigh. 

Was St. Patrick's this week. E was mystified by it. They must have talked about Leprechauns at preschool and how to capture them. She enlisted/forced Grady's help and they worked on a "trap" at home. Made me smile to see how she's using her ingenuity. 

I also got my first COVID vaccine shot on St. Patrick's Day. This topic, along with so many things specific to the pandemic have been controversial. People have picked sides and held their lines. It was interesting as I drove into the Event Center that I realized I'd lost count of how many times I'd done this. Something that seemed so foreign and severe last year is now commonplace to go through the mouse loop, enter the vendor garage, drive through the floor, have the test/shot/etc done, and then drive out the front side. We'd been tested so many times that way, we got our flu shot that way, and there I was again. It felt historic in a sense - it felt serene. The mood was surprisingly light among the national guard and health teams. It didn't hurt at all. Felt like a tiny little step towards a world that seemed so far away.

On Saturday, we headed out to Fort Lincoln - first trip of the season. It was good weather. The only thing was that when we got there, the road up to the block houses was closed. We decided to take the bikes out and walk up. This was a fool's move as it's practically straight up! What were we thinking. I took Ains in the stroller who for the majority of the way informed me how thirsty she was. E and G attempted to bring their bikes up. G gave up before E but Matt ended up carrying both. I'm not sure what was easier that walk straight up or Matt's decision to offroad the way down. We went to the earth lodges too and around the path a bit. Ains thought she wanted to walk but at one point just decided to start crawling - she'd had enough of the "hike." G wasn't totally convinced either but I did tell him to keep going as there were snacks in the pick up. He cleared the top of the hill and started a sharp decline down - he began to wobble a bit and Matt grabbed him. A car watched the whole thing and began to chuckle. I almost had a heart attack.

We got home and played a bit in the backyard - even looked at the garden beds and dug them up a bit.

Ains did take a slide to the face on that night at the part - gave herself a heck of a shiner and cut underneath her eye. She took it fairly well. 

ALR: Well, let's head back.
MJR: I figured we'd just cut here down the hill.
ALR: Um, what.
MJR: If we cut down here it will put us just off the back of where we left the pick up.
ALR: We don't have an offroad stroller.
MJR: Any stroller can be an offroad stroller if it goes off the road.
7 minutes later ALR is struggling and about has the stroller tipping.
MJR: Are you okay.
ALR: No! You could help me!
MJR: Hold on, let me get a picture.
ALR: Some things shouldn't be memorized in a photograph opportunity.