
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Happy Holidays From the Remynses!

First Christmas Card…First Christmas Letter.

Here’s a brief rundown of things that are happening with us this year…a Top 5 of sorts.

1. WE GOT MARRIED!!! Best day ever…will live in my memories for the rest of my life. My favorite moment of the day was the first moment that we saw each. That moment where I realized that he was my future and how happy I was…it was amazing.

2. We bought a house together. I could follow this up with, we made it through our first remodel together…wallpaper (which is a curse word in our house), texture, lights, paint, sanding…it all has been coming together.

3. Traveling…we usually get a few trips in but there were 2 that stuck out in my mind. Both were in October. We took a trip to Michigan to attend Bob Remynse, Matt’s grandfather’s funeral. We drove. And drove back. With Michele and Randy. A week after we got back and found ourselves recovered, we took our honeymoon to St. Maarten, an island in the Caribbean. What a beautiful week of beaches, sun, and just us!

4. Work life. I just honored my first year at Job Service, where I have an amazing group of coworkers (which is my favorite part of my job). Matt watched a dream come true at the airport. In June, he watched the jets come in to acknowledge the start of jet service in Dickinson. Was great to see how his hard work and stress finally had a pay off.

5. We really got married…I say this because not only was the wedding day and the day after and the day before amazing but the planning and time that went into the details of the day was such a major part of our year. We wanted to make sure that our day was about us and that people got to know us and our relationship a bit better.

Other honorable mentions:
-we got old (both of us turned 30)
-after a year of living together…the cats still do not get along. Sometimes I think they think they are playing but aren’t sure but for the most part all three; TonyDanza, Nike, and Lola, do not all mix well.
-we took 2 camping trips this year, pathetic.
-we visited the farm, but not as much as we would have liked. We did buy a heifer to bulk our herd numbers up a bit, and Matt did take over for Dad a time or two, but we had higher hopes for being a bigger help.

Goals for next year:
Matt wants to do a bit of landscaping to our small yard.
Amanda wants to revise the guest bedrooms
Matt wants to hunt more.
We want to travel more, golf more, camp more…

So in closing, I’ll leave you with a conversation from Matt and I…but we are so glad to have so many people in our lives that continue to check on us and think of us. We are blessed to have the family that we were given and the friends that continue to chose us. Can’t wait to see your families and hear your stories.

ALR: We’ve been married a couple months.
MJR: yea.
ALR: Does it feel weird?
MJR: no.
ALR: Is it how you thought it was going to be?
MJR: yea.
ALR: Really?
MJR: yea, just like I was expecting.
ALR: oh. Well, I think it’s different. I think we’ve got a pretty good thing happening here.
MJR: I know, it’s what I was expecting.

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