
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Cheers to you, 2013.

Aw…New Year’s Eve. Time to say good bye to 2013 and welcome the New Year.

It’s been a big year for me. Biggest one practically since 1983. After all, we moved, bought a house, remodeled a home, planned a wedding, had a wedding, turned 30, traveled with my inlaws, traveled to the Caribbean, and fell in love time and time again. That’s a lot to do in one year. No wonder my house is a mess and I think organization is a wonderful dream like world peace and exact change.

This year has been a humbling year for me, there have been lows but the high highs have brought tears to my eyes as I don’t know if I’m able to convey the feelings that rush through me. To those that continue to be a part of my life, thank you. Little known fact, but one of my favorite things at Christmas time are the cards that we get. I love seeing the faces and hearing what’s going on and they go up on my holder and it’s one of the last things to come down for my holiday decorations.

As I reflect on the year in the past, I’m excited to open my calendar for 2014 and the possibilities that could happen. Matt and I continue to talk about abstract plans and possible trips. We aren’t sure what our next five years, ten years, or lifetime will hold. He’s been at DIK for 7 years and continues to find new challenges (good and bad) that go along with the change that he’s had an impact to create. I find now I’m enjoying home life a bit more than work. I love pittering around our house and further organizing and planning and updating. We’ve done so much on the house and there are moments when I realize that this is our home and the center of our life. Who knows what plans we’ll get to accomplish this year on the house, what we want versus need versus find and add in the aspect of affordability and our list changes constantly.

I’m getting distracted…back to my nostalgic wondering of the 2013 year. If I were to pick a word for this year, it would be hard. Things come to mind: love, thankfulness, forever, peace, changes, happy, but the one that might best convey it all is “blessed”. We are blessed to have each other, a home, a supportive family, good jobs, and the ability/means to continue to see another part of the world.

So 2014, I’m ready. I’m ready for your spring’s hope, your summer days, your fall sweaters. I’m ready for the changes you may bring, I may eat my words later, but I’m excited for new plans. I’m excited for the possibilities that may happen to our families. I’m sure there will be wine poured, martini’s shook, and a meal that is enjoyed. There better be a few pizzas too, I’m counting on it. I’m also counting on a few trips and a few pictures taken. Here’s to the kitten cuddles, the Friday nights and the morning brunches on the patio. Here’s to camping trips and working cattle. Here’s to the feeling of a new year brimming with excitement and promise.

So in final reflection: best meals of the past year include Christmas Eve Eve Fondue, Randy’s Christmas Eve Pizza, Chicago Dogs for Wedding Rehearsal, salmon at the wedding, salmon crepes with a latte at Sarafine’s, and crabs Matt bought off a truck in the Dickinson Tire parking lot.

ALR: It’ll be our third new year’s together.
MJR: Yes, it will.
ALR: I’m going to make it to midnight this year.
MJR (looks skeptical)
ALR: I did last year, it even made the blog.
MJR: Yes, you are right.

**Fun fact: I wanted to spend the final minutes of 2010 and bring in 2011 with Matt but he couldn’t take a hint and couldn’t tell I was flirting with him in emails. **

Additional fun fact: This is the 100th blog for this year, most I've ever blogged in 1 year. I'm scared that my father in-law will become used to this as he tends to let me know when things have gone unblogged for too long.

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