
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Farm Foreman Training in Progress

This past weekend was a learning experience for Matt. Not only did he successfully give more shots but he also learned to give a pour-on, which prevents lice and parasites. He saw a cow get checked to see if she was going to have a calf, and he learned that some cows are wild.

We went to the farm to help mom and dad this past weekend. We did enjoy a dinner at McKenzie River Pizza on Friday night, pretty good place. I did like their fish tacos. From there we headed home to wake up the next morning to give shots the first and second time calving heifers, brought the open cows down from the hill, and then we bangs/vaccinated the heifers. After that we started the big project that made mom happy, we split wood and STOCKED her basement. We set a record for the amount of wood that the basement held and I’m hoping that she’s good for the rest of the winter. Matt really enjoyed it, brought back memories of his Michigan youth. I worked up a good sweat, no denying that.

On Sunday, we worked the steers, who were not born on the place, they are Dad’s new feedlot project. These steers were a bit crazy compared the stock we were used to working. Mom brought them up the chute, Dad gave the hormone, Matt gave a shot and the pour-on, and then I weighed them. Glad that we had a system worked out, otherwise it could have taken a bit longer for Mom and Dad to do it themselves.

Was a nice weeked to cuddle up with the fire after we were done working.

Work has been bit crazy too lately for us. Matt got his annual review from his board and passed with flying colors. They bragged about his communication and enthusiasm and vision for the airport. Made me wonder if I was marrying the same guy, Just kidding. Kinda. Ok, I am. The super star has been fighting a cold for the past week and today it got the better of him. He stayed home to rest up with his blankie and the kitties only to text me about how disappointed he is with our tea kettle and then tell me that our pulp-free orange juice is too pulpy.

I’ve also joined the Rural Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary. I’m a bit excited to get involved with something again, as I find I’m a bit restless since I moved back. Not everything is the same since I left, including my social circles and the groups I was involved with. Nice to get a bit social again, I’m not sure what to expect but so far it’s been a welcome group of women.

Best meal: Mom’s potato soup with a half of a grilled cheese sandwich. Something pretty great about comfort food.

So many good quotes:

MJR after leaving the farm: “I didn’t have the heart to tell your mom that she wore me out.”
ALM: “Me too. And to think, she worked way harder than we did.”
MJR: “Yeah, I know.”

MJR: “So I embarrassed myself today I think?”
ALM: “What do you mean?”
MJR: “Well, your dad asked me how my pour-on was? So I said, I’m fine but the squeezing makes me hand a bit sore, but my forearm is good. And then he asked again, No, how is your pour-on? That’s when I realized he was just asking me if I needed more.”
ALM (giggling): “It’s not that he doesn’t care about if you are sore, he just is happy that someone is doing the job and has the supplies needed to get it done! Ha!”

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