
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Fishing and Folly

Betty and Veronica…Steve
Jarod, Bridget, Joseph, Jesus (hay-zeus), and Ruby

Not possible baby names, but the names of the fish that the Remynses caught this past weekend. What a great weekend. We got on the road a bit later than Matt had hoped but when we got there, we had a surprise birthday party waiting for us! Balloons, Banner, and smiling faces!! They even let us open our presents – Golf attire for me that I can’t wait to get some use out of, I’d been eyeing it for a couple months and Oakley sunglasses for Matt, which he’d been drooling over for FOR-E-VER! After dinner, we even got birthday cake with lemon frosting and 30 candles…THIRTY…yikes.

The next day, we had a big breakfast and headed out on the water. I worked on a book and not getting too bad of tanlines while they drowned worms looking for the right spots. Randy was the first fish slayer but Matt didn’t get skunked either. I could say that you have to remember Matt’s size in order to appreciate the size of the fish…but either way it brought smiles to our face.

After appetizers, we went back out and luck improved. Michele caught one before hardly even leaving the shore and then brought in a HUGE (ugly) northern that Matt has plans to pickle. They filleted them that night while the mosquitoes attacked, we sat up with the fire a bit but went to bed much earlier the second night than the first!

The second morning, we had English muffin sandwiches. We tend to have things that Matt has been craving for when he camped when he was younger, like fajitas, was in seventh heaven with them and was even happier that we got those left overs. We went back on the water again and they had a much more successful day with 5 fish, 2 walleyes and 3 bass. There were some other things caught including sticks and snags, but those were thrown back for the most part.

It was a great weekend and it was so nice to see Matt so relaxed. It’s been the first stressfree, no responsibilities weekend of the summer. No working on the house, working on the wedding, or trying to get stuff started, moved, or accomplished. We both stayed up late and slept in. He even got a lesson in filleting from his dad. Was nice to have a little downtime before things get crazy.
In regards to the wedding….we are in the final hours. I’m working on lists, last minute thoughts, and making sure that everything is going in the same direction. Easier said than done. I’ll make a trip home this weekend for a little party and organization just in time for the final week. Every once in awhile I have these moments of urgency hit me, like I’m really getting married. Like for real. No jokes. Holy Crap.

Best Meal: Our first meal camping was the perfect kick off for the weekend…we had steaks and caprese salad with birthday cake. Was so nice especially after a week of eating by myself since Matt’s been out for work issues (painting the runway).

Randy: (Puzzled face)
Michele: (working up a snarly face)
ALM: (watching)
MJR: (Completely oblivious of the puzzled and snarly faces)
Randy: (hitting buttons on the remote, working on his own snarly face)
Randy: Matt, are you sitting on the remote?
Matt: (own puzzled face as he reaches into his back pocket and suddenly it lights up.)
Matt: (sheepishly) Yea
Michele: I wondered why you were taking us so deep!
Randy: You can’t get mad at me!

Editor’s Note: There were so many quotes this past weekend….so I’m adding this one in for posterity.
On the drive back home
ALM: I ensured that we stole the rest of the spinach dip.
MJR: Good. I put in our fridge for a reason. Did you at least put it in a new bowl?
ALM: No, then it looked like I was stealing it intentionally, by not giving back the bowl, it looked "accidental". I’ll bring back her bowl at the wedding!


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