
Monday, September 28, 2015

How to turn 32, all quiet like....

It's official, I'm moving towards my mid-thirties.
This past weekend it was my birthday week and I did it the best way I knew how to...relaxing with family. I started it off right with my parents at the farm. They made my favorite comfort food including potato soup with frybread and peach cake for dessert. The gifts that they picked hit major interests in my life...mums with a cow planter, a fancy cutting board with storage, gourds for fall decorating, and a cut and color! Was so nice to spend some time out there and talk. We also checked out the baby kittens that have got some spunk and personality!

On Saturday, we headed up north to Lansford to celebrate multiple birthdays! Matt's, Mine, and Michele's, We opened gits and again felt the love. Matt got a few shirts that he really liked the color but his favorite was his leaf sweeper. I got a food mill that I'm excited about and some great shirts that I'll wear in the office. We wrapped Michele's up pretty well and glad that we could make her excited! I'm not sure what my favorite present was tho....if it was the food mill/attachment OR the spinach dip that I special asked for! When you combine that with Randy's pizza and Michele's banana cake, it was a another day of overeating! I hurt so bad on the way home from being stuffed!
We also decided it was time to bring Nike home! She spent another summer at "Grandma's house" in Lansford. She rode home pretty well for the most part aside from panting and sweating but I did get a little time sitting in my lap. There's some readjustment with TD and Lola but so far so good! We realize they might not be best buds but we'll take civil.

On Sunday, we didn't really keep a schedule. After getting my gift of my planner with accessories(I'll order it in October), we worked in the yard cleaning up plants and pots. We still have a couple of tomato plants that are producing in the beds so we'll let those go and I still have hopes for my cabbage heads. But we let the cats out in the yard. Nike is pretty good outside. TonyDanza did a little hunting and we shoved Lola in her cube and she pushed it around the yard.
After lunch at JL's, we did some parade of homes touring, and for supper we had the Walrus with Dairy Queen for dessert, We ended the day watching the solar eclipse of the blood moon. All in all, I have no complaints for the day or the weekend, especially with the beautiful day. It was all pretty wonderful.

Best meal: I can't pick...I had a favorite meal each day...potato soup, pizza, calzone/burgers....I refuse to have that internal battle...all I know is I overate and could probably be safe for a couple days!

MJR: Who would you know in Dickinson that's connected to the new airport manager's wife?
ALR: I have not clue, I don't even know her name,
MJR: Well, I just got a text from him that "Is Amanda's birthday on 9/27?" How would he know that.
ALR: Woah, that's weird, 

MJR: I know, that's what I thought.
ALR: I don't know.
Both continue thinking.

ALR: Uh, I know.

Flashback over three years ago.
While waiting as patiently as possible, ALM sits at MJR's desk decides to input a special reminder and note on his calendar.

Back in modern time.
MJR: Well what did it say?
ALR: I can't was years ago, you had to have seen it.

MJR: I'm going to text him.

10 minutes later
MJR: uh oh.
MJR: He said that years ago he had a girlfriend that had a birthday on 9-27 too and his wife was going through his phone and saw, "My beautiful girlfriend's birthday" and she got very upset. He noticed it was from the airport calendar and wondered if it was my wife and now his wife does not find the humor in the situation.
ALR dies of laughter, can't hold it together, can barely breath.

MJR: you could have broken up a marriage.
ALR laughter continues.

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