
Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The one with the Hat and the Heart.

It's been a crazy couple weeks... let's play a little catch up.

Eleanor's room... we've been working to prep that and get it ready. This includes clearing it out of the secondary guest room furniture, which went down into the office, and then painting it. I have loved what we did with her nursery room so I did insist that we paint it with the same colors. It took a bit more paint than we anticipated but what happens when you have fresh walls that have only had white in them. Our next steps will be to start moving her over and get her situated.  We'll then paint the nursery and begin to get things on the walls there.

I've also solidly prepped for Eleanor's party... decorations, cleaning, planning, etc. Matt was awesome to do all the carpet cleaning while I tried to preprep rooms. We also have worked a little bit outside to start getting that in order. We haven't planted anything but that's coming.

In between cleaning and party prep, Matt and I were able to sneak away for a Kentucky Derby party. This is something we've tried to do for the past three years or so but between work schedules and pregnancies it just hasn't happened. It was fun to dress up and decorate my hat and for Matt to meet some of my friends at work.

On the baby level, he's had a few appointments, some regularly scheduled. We heard the heartbeat going at 150 beats/minute and we also went in for a specialist visit. With the VSD that Eleanor had, they wanted to make sure to get a jump on monitoring. So we were able to get in and everything checked out good as can be. There's no guarantee that we won't be back there again but as of right now, Baby got a clean bill of health. There's been some big differences between the pregnancies and for the most part this one has been fairly easy. I still have a couple symptoms that hold on; breathlessness, irritability, ligament pulls/pains, but that's been about it lately. I'll take it. I keep waiting for the water retention and the sciatic pain and godforbid the PUPPS.

With work, we've both been busy, I ended up going to Grand Forks for a night to host a meeting. I had a perk though, I got to hang out with my favorite Grand Forksians... the Kenville girls! They took me out to supper. Matt's been very busy with runway project, which has been keeping him out at night too. I know we aren't even halfway through it but I'm ready for some completion. We had Eleanor's 1 year photos the night after he worked through the night so our photographer who is over 7 months pregnant and myself, who is barely 6 months pregnant chased around our little busy body trying to make her smile and capture the right light. I was exhausted.. and to think, this is probably the easy part. I can't imagine when there's two.

Best meal: Probably my Kenville gab session was the best... where else would I get good baby name suggestions like Scraper Matthew Remynse.

ALR: Eleanor, look this way.
ALR: Eleanor, sit down.
ALR: Eleanor, come here.
ALR: Eleanor, smile. 
ALR: Eleanor, here's your paci.
ALR: Eleanor, AHHH, don't eat the dirt!
ALR: AHHH, NO, quit eating that dirt, UCKY!!!
Jess the photographer: It's really going well, don't worry, the mothers always think it's going worse than it is. 

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