
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Breaking News!

It’s official. We are moving, again. Again. AHHHHH-gain.

This is a bittersweet move. I’m going back to Dickinson and moving in with Matt. (Don’t tell Grandma Elaine, she told me if I ever live with a boy, lie to her.) We’ve decided enough is enough. No more driving, no more back and forth, no more mine and yours, we are combining kitchens, bedrooms, and kitties.

That’s right, TonyDanza and Lola will now have Nike. Nike, a fickle feline, who runs Matt’s life, beats up her litter box, neighborhood dogs, and unsuspecting birds. She comes and goes as she pleases but has a personality all her own. She’s not a cuddle bug like mine, unless you are Matt and then she’s all about cuddling. Matt and I are a bit nervous about this official introduction and I know there will be a cat fight (literally) and that can’t be avoided. We’re opening for 1 fight and then some Mexican standoffs and that be the end. We’ll see.

We took the first load out this past weekend. Yea for parents. My mom came and helped box things up last week, until I didn’t let her. Then Matt’s parents came and loaded a bunch on the trailer including my couch, coffee chest, bedside table, dresser, closet items, boxes, and my garage compactor. They were patient with us this weekend as we worked our way through our items and organized. We have a long road of “conversations” in front of us as we work to combine two houses with two separate styles, but in the end, it will all work out. Also huge shout out of appreciation to Michele and Randy for cleaning and taking care of the litter box too to help us out as we continued to settle and unpack. That was amazing.

We also took in the Dickinson Rural Fire Department Sports Stag, which raises money to benefit the department. Great meal, was last year too. It’s great that Michele and Randy can come down and support Matt. And it’s awesome for me as I have someone to analyze the auction items and talk with during the event, if they weren’t there, I’d be all on my lonesome.

I also have had time to work some much-needed lunches into my last weeks in Bismarck. I had lunch with Grandma Dar, Aunt Grace, and Cousin Kate this past week. Great to catch up and I hate that the miles means that this will happen less. I’ve somewhat taken it for granted that these people opportunities were here and I wish I had done it more often.

Best meal: Baron of beef at the stag.

“Don’t put that thing near me, it’ll go crazy.” - Randy said to Matt, who had just found a stud finder in his tool box.

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