
Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Notes from a 33 year old.

Many people that I was close to when I was 24 realized how hard that birthday was for me. Here's the deal, I had set a personal goal to myself, I wanted to be married, settled into my career of choice and starting to build my family. However, when I turned 24 I wasn't anywhere I wanted to be. I was freshly out of college, in a career that was lack luster. I was single and living with my cat (shoutout to TonyDanza). Flash forward 9 years, almost a whole decade later. I find myself in the spot I've been waiting for.

I sat and rocked my baby to sleep tonight, with a belly of salmon that my husband smoked and boston cream pie that my mother brought over and I was happy. I may have been running on a little sleep and my head may still be spinning from the conference last week on wrap up details but I felt happy and content.

I thought 24 was my magic number, but I look at my sister who is 24 and think, how could I have possibly been "settled" at that age. I had memories and mistakes to make. I had places to see. I had food to eat. I had boys to date. I had relationships to make. I had houses to buy and moves to make. 24 was really the beginning of my adulthood. 

I refocused myself at 27 decided that that age was going to be my magic number. I said, "Wait a minute, I'm not about the traditional and I've never done things by the book, why was I trying to?" So I refocused what I wanted and started jumping at opportunities. I found myself in Guatemala, at St. Patty's day festivals, on personal trips to see family across state lines, and found the adult I wanted to become. 

Now at 33 I'm wondering if maybe this is my magic number. I've had to cool my jets on some of the things I want to do, but don't think I'm not plotting and planning my next adventure, not thinking of the next fish dish I can get Matt to make for me, or pinning a wonderful pinecone craft project that I can make for my home. 

Adulting isn't easy and Mommying is hard but staying true to your identity and setting realistic expectations may be the challenge I face on a daily basis. To my future self - remember the things that you want to do, don't be afraid to do it, take a tap class when it's offered, order that coffee now and then, get the fish, be okay to sit and cuddle, and understand that no matter how little sleep you are running on that you may be able to nap when you least expect it! 

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