
Monday, October 19, 2015

How to keep growing

Baby isn't the only thing growing. So am I, yikes! I don't think I was ready for that part. I know it's inevitable but I think women should go from not showing at all to 4 months pregnant, overnight. Is that too much to ask? This slow creep outside of the limitations of my jeans is a bit scary to me!

Name of the week: Elliot
Cravings: cold drinks.... milk, water, something besides water
Pregnancy symptoms: Breathlessness (stairs have become an aerobic workout it appears), fatigue, nauseous to certain smells (dead fish), and weight gain

Entering Target ALR goes towards belts.
MJR: Meet me in nuts and snacks.
ALR: Okay.
10 minutes later... ALR is in nuts and snacks. MJR is missing.
20 minutes later... ALR begins to wander store in search of missing MJR.
25 minutes later... ALR locates MJR in baby aisle.
ALR: You weren't in nuts and snacks.
MJR: I've been here for a little while. I think I've picked out our stuff.

ALR: Don't you think it's still early?
MJR: Yes but we need to get a feel for what we are getting. Do you know they have specific carseats for convertibles?
ALR: Show me.

ALR: Ah, no, that means that the car seat can change as the child grows bigger so you don't have to buy one each time they grow.
MJR: Oh, that makes way more sense.

**This post was post-dated and released at a later date for reasons determined by ALR/MJR

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