You know those weeks were you know you haven't sat still for days on end...that is until you crash! Well, we are there. It's been crazy.
First, I went to Nashville.
Teeny rental car |

It was a work trip that where we attended a hiring event to promote North Dakota. I went with Brandi, who is my military guru. We had a good time! We got in on a Wednesday just in time to go to some recommended eating establishments. We had lunch at Edley's BBQ. Brisket tacos and pork tacos with coleslaw, mac n cheese, and the most amazing banana pudding I've had in a LONG time. I don't know if I could tell you what my favorite part of the meal was. So good! Makes me think that Matt and I need to try more deviations of street tacos.

From there we went to Jeni's Ice Cream. They have unique mixes and flavors and even though we were stuffed we had to have some. It helped that it was a few blocks walk down the road as well as hot outside. I had the Gooey Butter Sundae. Oh my gosh. It was heaven (plus 9 million calories) in a container. It was an amazing mix of wonderful and sweet and fun. It's probably a good thing that I don't live in Nashville, all I'd do is eat!

After a walk back and a quick jaunt into Reece Witherspoon's new boutique, we went back to the hotel to prep for a quick trip downtown. To be honest, we couldn't have picked a better day to go down because Tootsie's (the first honkey tonk of Nashville) was having their 55th birthday bash, complete with hot dog eating competition, stage acts, and fireworks. And it wasn't just any headliner/host but Matt's heartthrob from his teenage years, Terri Clark. I had to stay around to watch her and get a picture.

The interesting part was the aspect of the hot dog eating competition. They had some left over hotdogs that we'd been watching. One of the security guards suddenly volunteered a plate to Brandi...that was until he got chewed out and asked for them back, leaving her with one to eat. They suddenly put a security crew on them....I think Brandi ate one of Terri Clark's hot dogs.

We did wander around, see a few sights and hear a lot of sounds. It seemed like you couldn't go 10 feet without hitting a musician, a band, a speaker or something. I'm sure that's not unique to the night but it was a bit intimidating to know that people are waiting to get discovered and experience their minutes of fame.

The next day was our event. We promoted the state to well over 100 people, probably close to 150 or 200... it was a long day and the only thing that got me through was more street tacos.
That night for super, we decided to do a Diner, Drive-in, and Dive called Cafe Nonna. This was a very cute little Italian restaurant known for their lasagna which is a layering of butternut squash, spinach, ricotta cheese, and surrounded in two sauces. It was amazing! We also had the calamari which was so crispy and crunch and I was doing really well until I saw that they had the little octopus also in their and I was done!

The next day we came home...and it wasn't your average coming home trip. I managed to catch the same flight as Matt's grandfather and cousins who were coming from Pennsylvania for their first ever pheasant/ringneck hunting excursion. Was fun to see them excited! They stayed from Friday until Wednesday. Matt was hoping for a daily limit out, but sometimes you just don't have the luck. Before they headed north to Lansford, they were at a total count of 10 with some serious miles under their belt...and I'm not just talking the drives. I can't imagine all the walking that they did!
Was fun to have them their and we did our best to play host! We made them homemade pizza one night and chili dinner with my parents the next. I was so thankful my mother came and brought chili, I had helped decorate a wedding that day and after 7 hours on my feet, I was beat.
I know Michele was incredibly happy to have them visit and I was proud to show off my parent's farm and grandparents' land and of course, my grandmother's cooking. I've never met anyone in my life that would turn their nose from that! We went down for Sunday dinner and she made meatballs with a red sauce, fried chicken, scalloped corn, glorified rice, baked beans, relish tray, mashed potatoes, gravy, fresh bread, and for dessert - cherry marlow and fresh apple pie. If you leave hungry, it's your own fault.
MJR tells ALR about conversation earlier from the day.
Grandpa Dave: This is like the middle of nowhere. (heading out to my grandmother's)
MJR: Yes, it is, we warned you.
Grandpa Dave: Where's the closest movie theater?
MJR: Maybe Dickinson or Bismarck. (he did forget that Hettinger had one - but no big deal)
Grandpa Dave: Who can live out here! That's way too far to go to a show, you just can't do it.
ALR: (laughing) Well, we each have our own standards...mine is a walmart, your grandpa's is a movie theater!
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