So on with our life. We had our maiden voyage with the Love Boat. We dropped her in, took a couple spins around the lake...fishing poll and all and even enjoyed a few beverages. We went out about three more times that week. Matt even had a good run with the fishing....he caught two. A bluegill and a bass. Unless they are Northern or walleye though, they have to be returned due to our age! We've officially used the lake as much as we've used the pool at Hillside. I guess we are more lake people. Helps that the weather is beautiful and is fun to cruise around a bit.

We have one worry with the garden. One night, Nike was looking outside and spotted it. A bunny, aka the wrecker of my hopes of a garden. Due to this, we ended up putting up a fence to keep the little varmint out. I'll let you know how that goes. So far so good. I wouldn't have been really concerned but this aint no baby cottontail. This guy looks HUGE!
ALR: So we are just planting things? We aren't putting in end rows and strings and what not?
MJR: No, we are following the schematic that we previously decided. Don't you remember that we did that?
ALR: (Sighs) YES, I remember. But what if I can't remember where we plant things.
MJR: Then you LOOK at the SCHEMATIC.
ALR: I'll schematic you!
MJR: I don't know why you are being so difficult? Ahh, what are you doing??
ALR: I'm planting these plants here.
MJR: Pumpkins do not go there! PAY ATTENTION TO THE SCHEMATIC! I don't know why we garden together.
ALR: I'm beginning to wonder too!
A dog will take care of the rabbit!