
Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sickness, University Events, and my Youthful Mother!

Well…Dan has been sick and I want to know why I am being punished! He’s coughy and snuffly and groany..and all the other unhappy dwarves! Kleenex stock may be going up…take it as an inside tip, Dan has gone through many boxes! He even took today off to get better and make sure that customers don't look at him like a giant germ. I find it ironic that I have not even had a hangnail since he became infected...hmmmm! Please pray for my sanity otherwise I might have to take Dan behind the shed, between the garage, and shoot him to put him out of his misery!

On Friday, we had 3 couples over to play family feud, where the girls challenged the boys’ intelligent by all the steals and numerous sweeping the board! We didn’t make it to the Steinbeck events that were held at the University, but both of us took in the Women’s Voices panel. This next week will have other Women’s Voices events, I’m excited about seeing Debra Marquart and hearing her reading and lecture. She’s originally from Napolean and is a distant relative to Lawrence Welk.

Mom’s birthday is this week. Come Thursday, she will be very old…50…however, I do hope that I look that good when I’m that old! Ha ha ha! Pictures will be available next week.

Check out the links on the blog to see my father's cameo's on television!

1 comment:

  1. So is Dan feeling any better? Or is he still a Dwarf.....
