
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Grandma Dar Brings Warm Weather to Dickinson

Today, we had a heat wave…Dickinson was in the 40’s...and not the negative 40’s!! Water and sludge filled the street…well I guess you can’t have your cake and eat it too! If we keep on the positive note, we are also in the process of slowly washing the basement office floor. We are having seepage on the north side of the basement—still. I won’t lie and say I’m not nervous as the 100 foot snow disappears and melts, because I am nervous. Dan and I read that the city is thinking of closing the pool and I told Dan that we could invite kids to play in our pool, and he said, you mean our basement!! Ahh…please continue to think dry thoughts about us!
Dan and I spent quality time today with the shovels! We hacked away ice and shoveled more snow away from the house. I’m not sure the two shovels we have are going to survive the winter. We included some of the pics from today. Not only are we fashionable but we also had fun referencing “American Gothic”.

I thought I’d also provide a tour of the yard…here is the front of the house, the patio, the garden, and the back of the house…see if you can tell the difference.
Is this winter over yet?

I also am excited to talk about the Women’s Voice Panel where I was able to show off my grandmother. She spoke on the “Careers: Breaking Barrier” panel where 4 women talked about their career experiences. Grandma Dar did such a wonderful job, I was so very proud of her. She did get a shock sound she rattled off how many children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren she had. The most interesting thing about the panel was that these women did not see that what they were doing was earth shattering, what they did came out of necessity. Today, Grandma, Aunt Janice, and I spent the day together wandering around Dickinson. I made scones for breakfast, Grandma liked them and Dan had the left-overs tonight and thought they were wonderful! We went and visited Hawk’s Pointe and also introduced Grandma to Sisters and the Village. I liked spending time with these women who I admire and who have had such a great influence on my life.

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