
Friday, March 4, 2016

Gestation (je-stey-shuh-N)

Well - it was a big week for baby. not only have we had this super spurt of growth and movement. So much so that Matt saw her for the first time and I felt her flip around. She also has a very active presence in our house. While I was in Minneapolis, Matt was getting her furniture into the house. Both her crib and dresser/changing table arrived and was set up and placed for when I came home. Her crib was a gift from Grandma and Grandpa Remynse while the dresser came from Grandma and Grandpa Moser. Was kinda a shock to see the room change so drastically - like it's really going to happen... like I haven't just been smuggling watermelons around.

With the crib, it was the final push for me to get after Matt as I've been wanting to decorate as well as get things in place for our registry. Typically men don't care about the specifics decorations on the wall, well he has an opinion and the first round of pics ended up going back to the store.

Best meal: It wasn't a best meal situation but we did have a "order pizza" situation. I attempted an egg roll casserole. We ended up with freezer pizza.
Actually, the best meal was probably the fresh cut bacon that showed up in my bed because Matt wanted me to sample it. Matt finally finished smoking and butchering and wrapping and we have put all the butchering toys away.

Name of the week: Rebecca
Cravings: Milk, Taco Bell, seriously, I could eat tacos everyday.
Pregnancy Symptoms: breathlessness, return of sciatic pain. larger feet, mucus-y, indigestion, swelling

Going into Target to complete the registry
MJR: Do we know what we are doing?

ALR: Um, maybe we should have brought a list.
MJR: What would we have put on the list?
ALR: Valid point.

MJR: We have no clue what we are doing.
Later on....
ALR: Scan this.
MJR: Why?
ALR: Must you question me?
MJR: I want to know your reason, how do you know what that even does?
ALR: Scan IT!
Later on...

ALR: Quit scanning that!
Later on.....

ALR: I need to grab some socks. We'll have to cut through women's under garments.
ALR hears the beep of the scanner.
ALR: Quit scanning in this department!

Attempt at taking my 7 month picture.... first go round didn't realize I was "barely" in the shot.

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