
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Unsettled Argument

ALM: so…how do you feel about labs mixed with poodles?


ALM: It's a compromise….

MJR: no

ALM: Some times you can't always have your way. Give me 2 good reasons why "no"

MJR: I don’t like small dogs they’re a trip hazard and I have a long way to fall, shaggy/curly dogs are a pain to keep clean (especially this one since it has the lab, it will want to chase and be outside), neither one of us needs a dog right now for several reasons, small dog have a huge complex and are mean so they are not good with kids.
Look I gave you four in less than a minute.

ALM: But I like small dogs because they can fit in my lap and they don't rip my arm out when I walk them. They have smaller poop, which is not as scary in the yard. The poodle part makes them shed less, which is a benefit of the breed.
Some small dogs have a complex; Bell doesn't…she's good with kids.
Regarding your falling, I would catch you… and this isn't for right now, this is just testing the waters for "IF"
Response. I will give you 2 of your 4 as not bogus.

MJR: You have cats to sit in your laps not dogs, and if you train large dogs properly they don’t pull your arm off. What the difference it’s still poop that you have to clean up. IF you caught me I would end up breaking something on you too, remember I am a big guy falling at a high speed because of this little dog. Which what if I did step on the dog, I’d break something on it too.

ALM: Sometimes my cats don't want to sit on my lap. I agree on training, but I have never been good at that aspect. Do you feel that this was your strong suit? Big Poop versus little poop is a big difference, especially if you don't happen to get it picked up immediately and people walk by…they are not as likely to see little poop as they are to see Big Poop. And how are you about picking up poop…hmm?
Okay, maybe I'd just like the idea of catching you but you make a good point. However I'd like to think we wouldn't choose a dumb dog that is constantly underfoot.
AND we haven't even talked about the wagging tail.

Editor's note: I received no further response and therefore feel that I won this argument by default. In the future, if a puppy comes up again, I will bring forth these points/counterpoints. IF.

"It seems like all the good looking people have smaller dogs these days."- Elizabeth Perkins

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