
Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Onerous (on-er-uh s)

New year, new blog look. We've gone from the blue dots that were reminiscent of the 635 wallpaper to this more subtle color to highlight the upcoming year. I'm also trying something a bit different in the titles too. Last year it was a "how to" this year I'm going to simplify.

Matt ended the year how he would have wanted to. Laying on the ground calling out to geese. He went with my cousin, Logan. Matt had the best time not only because he was finally out hunting but because him and Logan limited out. Just in the nick of time too as the season has come to an end. TonyDanza will be disappointed as he liked the bird cleaning part the best.

Okay, let's get to the new year happenings. It's always a joke with Matt and I if we can make it to midnight. This year we didn't. We had more stuff going on! We were in full revamping mode. We had a crew lined up and holy crap can they change a world! I've never felt more loved as Sunday when I looked around my beautiful house and saw all the changes that Randy, Michele, and my mother accomplished. I'm getting ahead of myself.

I through it out there jokingly that for Christmas I could stand for
 wallpaper to get ripped down out of my house... well between the three of them, they made my Christmas wish come true. Michele was ready to work when she showed up New Year's Eve. I wasn't so sure but suddenly there we were ripping the brown wallpaper off the wall. Only to discover that under the brown crepe paper look was more wallpaper. It was like Dickinson déjà vu.

On Friday, we hit it hard. We put the backsplash up in the kitchen, ripped down the glue under the original wallpaper, textured the kitchen wall, and taped everything that was ready to be painted the next day. We also went and purchased the nursery set, which should come in 6-8 weeks.

Saturday, we had the big crew. Here's all the things that got accomplished that were on our list. Backsplash grouted, kitchen wall primed and painted with 2 coats, nursery painted with two coats and effectively trimmed out, and the kitchen wiped down after sanding the texture off the kitchen walls.

What we got for bonus was even more amazing...both the upstairs bathroom and the master bath are rid of their yucky glass shower doors. AND the master bath no longer has a scrap of wallpaper in it. I'm exhausted just rethinking it. These projects and I would have taken Matt and I a month of weekends but because of our family, we were able to accomplish it all in a weekend.
Sunday, after seeing Michele and Randy off, we took it fairly easy. We put pictures up in the kitchen, put curtains up as well. Finished off rooms with face plates and piddered around cleaning up and organizing a bit. I think we were still in shock of seeing all the work. It's like a brand new kitchen!
By the way, I could mention that the furnace was out all weekend, which resulted in heating the house with the fireplace. The cats loved that part. Good thing it was pretty temperate all weekend.

Best meal: chili in our new kitchen! Was nice to be done for the day and just stare at everything while relaxing with family.

Name of the week: Imogen
Cravings: Milk
Pregnancy symptoms: lack of sleep, runny nose/irritated sinuses, larger belly, sciatica nerve pain, baby movements which I described to Matt as that feeling that you get in your limbs when they are beginning to fall asleep. That feeling that if you don't move, they'll go completely asleep.

ALR: Well I've got my crew working unsupervised upstairs. Don't let your surly staff pester them. They are doing good work!
MJR: I'm trying my best here, he goes rogue on me every once in awhile.
ALR: Well, if you wouldn't have stopped at JL's and taken a break, you may have an easier time.
MJR: We didn't take a break.
ALR rolls eye.
Later finds out that they did take a break as well as went to Target through Scheels (opposite ends of the mall) because they don't have guns to peer at in Target.

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