Matt worked on shelving in the garage because it's been OUT of CONTROL for a bit. However was my favorite was after listening to Nike wail for 10 minutes at the garage door because she can't be with her true love, I got up to watch her and convince her to shut up. Meanwhile, Matt opened the door to grab something inside and she sneaked out. This elicited an outburst from Matthew, "Nike! You get back inside!" This caused her to lightning bolt from under the Maz directly into the house, all the while I watch and snickered. She didn't come back downstairs to wail again that night. That night.
For the weekend, Matt and I took off in different directions. He stayed home to work more on the garage and start to mentally become obsessed with golf again for the season, complete with watching the Masters and going for his first round. I took off to Dickinson to help BettyJo with a Scentsy show. It was the Home Show and a two day event. We did quite a bit of sales, but not what we were hoping for. It was a long two days of standing on concrete, but glad to see the new product line and serve a new group of clientele. I picked out a few summer scents for myself too that I'm looking forward to enjoying to celebrate the on-coming of spring.
While I was in Dickinson, I really utilized my time. Spent time with the Petroffs, who are always good to put me up, even when their basement is tore up. Got to catch up with both BettyJo and Darin while we discussed show details. Had breakfast with a mentor, Deb, and caught up on personal and professional happenings. And got to say goodbye to a phenomenal woman who is starting a big adventure. Becca, is moving to Texas. She's been one of those friends that allow you to come and go in life and always pick up with memories and fun happenings. Was good to meet the man that is making her smile and will keep her on the straight in narrow, I think they'll find they compliment each other nicely. Through all of this, I think the time zone change and the late nights will take some adjusting back to as Monday came too soon.
Best Meal: this week's meals were a blur. I think Shantelle put together a nice spread with appetizers contributions from everyone. Was fun to visit, eat, and laugh.
ALR & MJR leaving Walmart with shopping cart full.
Both pull up to pick-up truck.
ALR begins to group bags together for MJR to load into vehicle.
ALR picks up one particular bag and begins to hand to MJR.
ALR: These are the eggs....
As ALR lets go based off assumption of MJR's grip, bag descends.
MJR and ALR look at bag on pavement.
ALR and MJR look at each other.
ALR: And to think, we brag about the communication in our marriage. We may want to reconsider that.
Ten minutes later.
MJR snickers
ALR: What?
MJR: I can't believe how fast the eggs fell to the ground.
ALR rolls eyes: Yeah, funny thing about gravity.
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