
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

4 Seasons, 52 weeks, 1 love

You know those days that cause you to remember…cause you to reflect on who you are and where you’ve come from and have you relive a day and celebrate yourself a little. I like those. The best day of my life has been my wedding day and I’m actually concerned that it’s going to take a lot to compete with the caliber of that day. The highs couldn’t get any higher and the lows were bumps in the road but didn’t blemish the outcome of what was there. 
There’s something to be said about 365 days. A lot can happen. You can get married, renovate a bathroom, change your place of employment, become semi-homeless and plan a new life. You can have the highs and the lows, the laughter and the tears, the screams and sighs. We celebrated our anniversary the best way we knew how…with each other. 
We took off into Bismarck, our new town and just spent some time. From taking one-year anniversary pics with a photographer that works well with Matt by the river, to rummaging around town, to dinner at restaurant that was meant to be our special occasion to golfing the site of our wedding, to breakfast downtown, to a walk around Fort Lincoln. We talked, laughed, reviewed the last year and planned parts of the next 40 or 50. We drove by the house that we will come to know as home and tried more year old cake.  
It would have been pretty amazing…..but we got sick off champagne and old angel food. What a disappointment. At least we did it together. 
Best meal: Hawaiian Opa, avocado corn soup, ny strip, with smoked walleye.

On rummaging….
MJR: 50% off…WHO ARE THEY KIDDING…..They are setting their own price….50% off of a made up price…how do we know that this is something great…it’s not the recommended MSRP….it’s 50% off a subjective guestimate of value! And the next BIG SALE sign we see, I’m going to go ask them how they qualified that it was a BIG SALE…..I’ve seen these proclaimed Big Sales…they aren’t.

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