
Monday, April 21, 2014

Both Sides of Fun!

A busy week for us with meetings and such but it was a busier weekend.
Was glad to have Good Friday off just to ensure that we were prepared.
We headed down on Saturday to Grandma and Grandpa’s for some visiting. We didn’t leave as soon as we’d have liked as Matt was called away on a Rescue/Dive call. We did make it down for lunch and had fried chicken, mashed potatoes, chicken gravy, salad, and ended with chocolate and cherry pies. I love her chicken gravy and fried chicken, I’d been craving that meal all week and it’s the meal I think of when I think of there. Matt had a mission when we headed down there, he loves Grandma’s pickled beets. So he and her cooked up 2 quarts. He should write the recipe down but says it’s simple enough! They made the sauce, boiled the beets, and preserved them to seal. We later had a lesson in pressure cookers as well as we have been having talks about getting one of those and canning those as well. Matt’s much more confident than I am, we’ll see. It was a nice trip and we had a nice visit. And it was also nice to brag to my mother about the loot that she sent home with us, including an angel food cake! The place has changed so much but still stayed the same. She has the same silverware and salad bowls, and counters, and pots…there are so many memories of summer weeks spent there but then the big changes such as her floor and the table and the trees gone. Matt asked Grandpa for a tour and I probably should have gone on it as well to see the changes that have been made since my summer vacation stays but I almost want to preserve it just the way it was in my head.
Tyler, Wes and Kristie's Oldest!

On Easter Sunday, we headed to Denise and Randy’s for Easter. In typical Dagman fashion, it was a crowd, complete with a ton of food! Ham and Turkey and homemade buns and 6 types of salads or so and 3 types of desserts and enough family for multiple tables. After lunch, Denise washed, I dried, and Kyle put away. I admit, I haven’t enjoyed dishes that much in a long time. And we went out to watch the hunt. It was a good day and we even got a brief hug with Janice, who is officially back from her wintering on the border with Jerry.

Best meal: Well Easter lunch was great and I filled up on ham, Fried Chicken Dinner was amazing and exactly what I’ve been craving for quite some time.
After returning from a meeting in Bismarck
MJR: I had a nice lunch with your mother.
ALR: No fair.
MJR: AND drinks. And they went down really smooth. Like we could have had a case or something.
ALR: (glaring)
MJR: It was a nice day with my mother-in-law.
ALR: mocking tone: It was a nice day with my mother-in-law.
ALR: BAH, no fair.
Somewhere between Elgin and Glen Ullin.
MJR: Did you remember to grab your leftover gravy?
ALR: @#*%
This week, Wednesday (and 2 weeks ago) my In-laws celebrate 31 years of marriage. May the next thirty-one be filled with more adventures, more fish, more love, and less broken fishing poles.

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