
Monday, July 8, 2013

Fourth of July: Friends & Fun!

It’s amazing how my Fourth of July’s have changed over the years from getting rowdy with the girls to working house projects with the husband to be. I’m GROWING up!!!

We’ve had another week of projects that are coming to a close, we haven’t been as rushed lately for a couple reasons, we are moved in and the second, we are sick of working on projects. Matt’s been working on the master bath’s trim work, I’ve been working on sorting boxes, and we both did a bit of work in the garage. I’m not exactly sure of what to do in there always as I think of it as Matt land…where he should know where things are and go and the flow…all I care about in terms of the general location is where exactly is my car getting to sit overnight and during snow events. So while Matt sorted and organized, I decided I wasn’t ready to drop “some” of my boxes off at the dump, it was time to display them. Matt didn’t seem to appreciate them. I did notice that he hung a couple “pin-ups” of my high school senior pics up.
We had some fun on the 4th, it wasn’t all house projects. We started the night before at Rick and Shantelle's as they had people over for some light fireworks, a fire, and dinner. It was nice to talk with her, we haven't been able to get together since the wedding. Life has gotten in the way. On the fourth, we had my Aunt Descie stop by on her way home and I gave her the grand tour, including the pool. After she left, we had supper and managed to go for our first condo swim before heading out to Deb and Kev’s for fireworks. We had a little unexpected show as one of their son’s friends is a fire thrower. He lights these small lighter-fluid filled “buckets” on fire that are hooked to a foot and a half of chains and twirls them around his body sometimes entangling them together, spinning or even throwing them in the air. Trying to describe in writing what it looked like or how he did it doesn’t quite do it justice when you see these balls of fire wrapping around his body and legs and even starting the fringe of his jeans on fire.

Friday, we were in for a treat as Randy and Michele with Bob and Donna in toe came to check on us and take a road trip from camping. We had been struggling with our air conditioner and blower motor as Matt couldn’t seem to get them working together. After spending quite a bit of time down there and all the shops that could give us parts closing, we had to quit. Randy, Bob, and him got it going the next day, but much to our disappointment, it went out again within 24 hours. Back to square one in struggling and thinking. Matt and him have a couple more theories and I’m glad that we aren’t relying on the blower for heat in the middle of January. We ended the night in a way that we'd planned for quite a long time, just hadn't had the chance to do. We went to the Mexican restaurant, which was down the hill. Enjoyed margaritas til we couldn't anymore and then walked up the hill!

We had a little excitement on Saturday, we thought it may be a good time to let Nike start to explore her surroundings. Bad idea. She did well for the first half hour until she decided to scoot under the deck and when we opened the back gate she was halfway down the path to the end of the condo units, which scared Matt as he thought she may be on her way “back home”. So we attempted to get her out…from under the deck…for over 3 hours. She wasn’t having it. We finally got her out (with TonyDanza it would have been
easy, he is completely motivated by food) and she seemed okay with it for the most part but we had some issues that made us schedule a vet appointment on Monday, I guess we will have to watch her for the next little bit and hope that everything is okay. No more excursions for awhile.

Best meal: Best meal in a long time was smoked salmon, pinot steam mussels, a bottle of dry Riesling, and a capris salad. I forget how much I love salmon until I eat it. So good!
Honorable mention: Saturday morning, Matt made me something out of a page of our Chicago trip, smoked salmon with cream cheese and capers omelets! SO good.

ALM: These ones I want to hang up. They were my big wins.
MJR: (Grabs hammer and nails)
ALM: See this one is when I went to Louisville. I was the big shit.
MJR: (Pounding)
ALM: You aren’t even measuring these to see if they are level.
MJR: (Pounding)
ALM: Did you even see if that was centered?
MJR: (Pounding)
ALM: Those don’t appear to be spaced evenly.
MJR: (Pounding)
ALM: You don’t seem to be taking these serious.
ALM: (Looking)
ALM: You seem awful cavalier about my previous accomplishments.

61 Days

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