
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Amp up the Moving Plan.

Funny how you expect days like the wedding or your first day of school or the first day of a new job to impact your life and speaking in dramatic terms, "change your life." You never figure a random Wednesday will be that day. However when Matt called me and said, do you have time to talk, never a good sign.

That’s when he told me that our situation with finding a house better get on steroids as our landlord was giving us the option to either buy the house or we are getting kicked out. And Matt’s thinking that we need to have all of our stuff out by the end of May. Great. I was pumped about the upstairs, shithead, neighbors leaving but we weren’t ready to make the leap financially or emotionally into a house yet committing to a community. And then let’s add the limited market and the expensive apartments and see how that makes for a bucket of fun. So even if we do get an apartment, we probably won’t be able to keep the cats with us as many apartments aren’t too excited about 1 cat, let alone 3.

So we devised a plan. After looking at 2 townhouses for a final hope, we decided would put an offer on the house that we like that’s on the south side. That brings our showings count up to 38. Our offer count up to 2. And our summary of feelings into desperate. Here’s the catches we are facing. The house is on a ½ lot, which means if it’s destroyed (fire/earthquake/tornado) it can’t be rebuilt unless there is a variance from the city that states it can be rebuilt with any damage. If the city doesn’t grant this, we can’t gain insurance or financing. So along with our feelings of desperation, we put in a list of contingencies to ensure that we don’t lose the earnest money that we put down, including the variance. So our plan involved placing an offer on the house and hoping that it sticks. That’s plan A.

Plan B looks a bit more ugly and involves splitting us all up including Matt, the cats, and me. This option I don’t want to consider right now and am hoping that plan A is doable. In plain terms, Plan B makes me cry.

Matt has had a week from hell. Between normal bulked up meetings, he had 8 inches of snow dump on the airport, he’s short staffed and he’s been pulling night and morning shifts. Two days in a room he didn’t get home until after 10. Makes our 2 year dating anniversary a bit tough, but I understand that it’s not because he didn’t want to be with me. So add all this to the housing issue and it makes me want to run away with him and never come back.

Best Meal: our first meal we ate together this week was on Wednesday night, we made pizza with a starter crust while we talked over our living arrangements.

MJR: well we did it, we put an offer in.
ALM: Yeah.
MJR: This is either going to solve our problems and work or be a complete chaotic mess.
MJR looks at ALM, ALM looks back.
(Laughing ensues)

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