
Tuesday, November 27, 2012



Things have been a little crazy lately. Okay, things have been a lot of crazy lately. I’m just getting through my first full month at Job Service. Matt’s been very busy at the airport with airline issues but also with legislative projects. I know these projects can be stressful for him, but I haven’t doubted his competence and the job that he is asked to do and when you look as good as him in a suit, it’s just icing on the cake.

The big news is the condo. Last Friday, I spent my last night there, mattress on the floor and all. I moved in mid-March and was out the end of November. It was a beautiful condo and now I have to live with a boy. It wasn’t like other places that I lived in, it was brand new. I watched it go up, I picked out the cabinets, the floor, the paint, the counters, and the tile. I waited for it and it was so light and airy. It seemed like I worked so hard to get in there. In fact, I waited to move in longer than I lived there. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t not want to have moved to live in Dickinson with Matt, there was just something great about that condo for me. I did say my final good-byes, walked around the emptiness, and appreciated the place. I officially close on Friday. It was on the market for exactly 30 days.

The fun part of the “moving” weekend was Thanksgiving. We were in Lansford with Randy and Michele. Matt went out hunting in the morning and Michele, with my sad help, got the meal prepared. I loved the smoked turkey. I hadn’t had that but the more things that are made for me smoked, the more I like them! It was great to sit with the family, talk, and Michele shared some family pics with me. It was great to see their wedding pic and their family pics with younger versions of Matt and Eric. The only sucky part of the day was when I had to leave to drive all the way back to Dickinson to work. I didn’t want to leave. The roads and wind could have been better, but they’ve been worse too. Matt did get his deer before noon, did it in one shot too. He is willing to give Kevin hunting lessons as he appears to let lead fly a bit more freely.

Black Friday did not really involve any shopping for me, I did do some online browsing and I did pick up a camera, we’ll see what we think but I need to get to taking more pics again! My camera enjoyed Cabo a little too much and hasn’t been the same since! I did work in the morning and took the truck back to Bismarck in the afternoon. I did a little running around but I am so not used to driving that big honky vehicle around town and parking wasn’t fun at all! I tried to take some things into Plato’s closet but ended up getting irritated and now I’m boycotting them for 6 months (At least!). Because of my frustration with them, I accidentally donated a pumpkin pie, my mother’s scentsy, and a pound and a half of jerky to Goodwill, which was where I took the clothes that Plato’s closet told me was outdated. I was super irritated to lose my Pampered Chef Deep Dish, which had a lid!! It’s not that I used it a ton but I loved it because of the lid! I sure felt dumb because of that mistake.

In terms of being thankful, it was a weekend to be thankful for family. My mother was amazing and came on Friday night and we moved a bunch of the boxes down to the garage. Matt’s parents brought him back down from Lansford and then helped load things up and then unload it in Dickinson. And my parents helped load and then provided two amazing dinners. It feels very final to have everything (except what’s in storage) in Dickinson. Matt did tell my father that I’m worth it, kinda. The house is a mess, there’s boxes everywhere, the cats think it’s a giant maze, and it looks like a hurricane warzone. It’s a slow process to get things to “fit” just right and combine. Some days have been easier than others. Nike isn’t dealing with it the best but considering this is the first big change in her life, I’ll let her have a buy. I even felt bad for her this past week and let her sleep with Matt and I. TonyDanza and Lola are doing pretty well. TD’s happy that he got his chair back and Lola likes all the boxes and new places to crawl on but she’s pretty resilient and curious. What’s funny is the thing that brings me the best sense of calm in moving is the freezer. Michele defrosted the freezer, I was able to put in my dividers and then organize the beef and deer. I know that that will change as I get other things worked out, but it is a weird sense of accomplishment.

This weekend we put over 400 miles on my car and 500 on his pickup.

Best Meal: Thanksgiving dinner beats the Brickhouse! There’s something very comforting about that traditional meal.

“That cheese burger was good but it wasn’t Moser beef.” –Randy after leaving Kroll’s.

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