
Sunday, May 22, 2011

"My First Week" (Matt named this one)

I’m between homes, no seriously. I’m officially living in two homes. I sat at mom and dad’s during the week and escape on the weekends back to Dickinson. This was my first full week on this new schedule as I officially started with KK Bold on Tuesday. It was a great week and think I’m really going to enjoy my job. I can’t wait to jump full in and get started. The office is gorgeous, the people are great, and the work will be amazing. I also will get Friday afternoons off during the summer! I think I’m going to like it! What’s also funny is that my childhood babysitter is also working there…sometimes it’s a small world!

In terms of houses, it’s been a big week for that too! Mom and I went house hunting last Tuesday. I’m looking at twin homes, condos, and houses. We saw everything, from nice and new houses to big pitholes that only could be improved with a wrecking ball! There were 2 that I liked and had Dad help narrow it down to 1 so we’ll see where that takes me. I also accepted an offer on my house. I’m very happy with it and hope that the sell goes smoothly, especially after the weekend that I had in Dickinson. I got back to water in the basement, which is not a huge new things, I’ve had a pool before. However, this time it was coming in in other places! Sad Face!! So Matt and I spent the day with the shop vacs and think we hauled out 100 gallons of water. Sad Sad Face! I can’t believe that he helped me or that after work he came back to help me! I’m so lucky to have him in my life, and not just for the yucky basement projects! Happy Face!

TonyDanza and Lola haven’t been thrilled with the move but they are actually handling it better now. Lola was curious right away, big shock. TonyDanza stayed in the “safe room” for awhile. He continues to spend a good part of his day there but he will travel around every once in awhile. I’m looking forward to having my own space again for their sake.

All in all it was a great week, despite the rain and the indoor swimming pool. I have some great summer plans and I’m looking forward to watching the changes start settling in.

“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” –Walt Disney

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