It was Matt’s turn for a transition week. I’m settling into
the new living arrangement and new job but he had to say good bye to the old.
They threw him a going away/good luck party where they presented him with a
parting propeller. He said that he was touched by who came and the speech that
Bob had made. He said he was amazed by what Bob knew, however; I have a feeling
that Bob did a little blog research! I saw I had awful high page views a couple
days before the party! I was sad I couldn’t make it but my girls at Job Service
didn’t let my location stop them from bringing me. They printed off a pic of me
and took it along. They also chose one that was site appropriate as it was me
in an airport…partying! Well enjoying a beverage before heading to Hotlanta.
Glad they got a few pics! Ha! Those girls know how to make Matt and I laugh!

Before taking off for Lansford, we took a quick tour past
the airport as Obama and the first lady took their first visit to North Dakota.
While we both disagreed on the final destination of their visit with the
reason, we could appreciate that it was a big deal and a big deal to see Air
Force One on the runway. We are hoping this viewing isn’t a once in a lifetime
This weekend we headed to Lansford for Father’s Day weekend
and Nike visitation. What a difference in the drive time! Didn’t hardly take
anything at all! We got there Friday night in time for a normal supper of
pizza! Saturday the plan was to golf but after discovering the course was
monopolized by a tournament we headed to Base and got a tour of the family’s
old stomping ground including old neighborhood, old work sites, the b-52s,
Randy’s present working location, and the shopping center. I was a bit shocked
at how big the stores were, not what I was expecting! Was fun to see and do a
bit of shopping! Michele and I got some good steals. Sunday, we did get out on
the course. I see where Matt inherited his “golfing edge”….I think I was the only
one that didn’t threaten to throw a club or a ball. Not that my playing was
anything spectacular…but Michele’s did improve over time. They went from not
keeping score to suddenly keeping score. Randy better be careful, she might get
too good for her own good! It was a nice weekend.

Garage Update: there are now walls. And the exterior stairs
no longer threaten my neck.
Day 9 of living with my parents. The great raccoon disposal.
Pictures will tell enough of a story.
Day 10 of living with my parents. I made concrete with
Goldilocks. Too wet. Not wet enough. Too dry. Too little. Too much.
Best Meal: Randy's pizza...we had a deep dish AND a normal crust AND spinach dip as an appetizer!! Matt did hog the spinach dip and here is a picture to prove it. I'm patiently waiting and he's hogging.
PM: I want to look at this website...bring up your computer.
ALR: Okay...you aren't going to like this site...it looks hard to navigate.
PM: I wannah look at this equipment (points to flyer picture in magazine)
ALR: I've got to create you a profile.
(Starts typing....username...then comes to password.)
(Both look at each other.)
PM: What's my password?
ALR: That's what I'm trying to figure out. Hmmm...think I've got one.
ALR: What's your email?
PM: Dear, what's our email? (to DMM)
DMM: We've talked about this....you need to remember this
(input email address, get into site, find air seeder that he wanted to know more about)
PM: (looks at it for 5 seconds) well, I don't want that.
ALR: We did all that work and you looked at it for 5 seconds?
DMM: (Mouths from across the room) welcome to my world.
Happy Birthday to THEE Eric Remynse. I know it was on Monday....27 was a good year for me.
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