
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Food, Condos, and Chiropractors

Snow update: still there.
Shovel update: 2 more times

A few updates, I’ve been getting very excited about the condo. About a month ago, I picked out the samples for the cupboards, the paint, the counters, the hardwood floors, the carpet, and the tile. I’m excited to see my picks in real life. The duplex I’ve been at since September has been just fine, the cats are okay with it and it holds all my stuff, but I’m ready to spread out a bit and unpack. It’s been a pain lately to make or think of things because I have item that I need but it’s in a box and the location of the box is whoknowswhere!

Another recent condo update: Matt and I took a personal tour of the building as it’s still being worked on. They are taping and texturing now. But the walls are up, a lot of the electricity’s up, the windows are in, and it was fun to see how things are coming together. I like how light and airy it is because of the big windows and the high ceilings. I’m very excited about the walk-in closets and the open kitchen to living room floor plan. There are some things that I was surprised about based on my initial thoughts and the plan but nothing to deter my excitement. Now if I can just get people around me excited about moving.

Weekend plans were nice, as usual. Matt and I had a bit of Chinese on Friday night. On Saturday we cooked for my mom’s birthday. We had to go to the grocery store to pick up a few items and the list that I had previously dictated for Matt was handed to me in code. Just to give you a preview, some of the items included cbdpo, ljudifo dmfbofs, and fhht. When our list got lost at Central Market, he pointed out that it was a good thing that everything was in code.

Mom’s dinner was great. The salmon was very good, the ribs were the best we’ve had in a long time, and the wine was very refreshing! We had a good time and Matt was even taken out on his first cow-check. No babies came, much to his disappointment. I’m excited that he’ll be in town for a few extra days as he has the Upper Midwest Aviation Symposium. He’s invited me to the banquet dinner.

Crappy thing that happened, while working out on Friday, I went into a squat and must have had a slight twist when I came out of it as I have two inflamed discs. I had to go to the chiropractor for the first time and was “clicked” back into place but told to not be working out, no yoga, and to make friends with an ice pack. Not loving this pain or immobility, ugh. Hope that my recheck on Monday will show better. I don’t have the pain that I did, mostly just an inconvenience.

Best Meal: Mom's dinner, Matt really outdid himself with the ribs!

"Sleep 'til you're hungry, eat 'til you're sleepy." ~Author Unknown

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