
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

KS plan, Tornado scares, NDYP opps, Floating on....

Well, I’m prepping for my personal pilgrimage to Kansas. I plan to lead Friday morning, meet mom for lunch, head to Madison and stay with Hope and Mark. The next day I will drive down to Harry and Lisa’s and stay there. On Sunday, I will drive up to Salina to stay with Wendy and Trent, maybe take in a little golfing. Then head all the way back on Monday. I’m planning on taking my camera, clubs, and a notebook to capture some of my thoughts. I’ve come a long way the past year but I know that I still have some shadows that need to be lighted up.

Yesterday we had sirens in Dickinson, kinda made me nervous, I won’t lie. Especially considering that the community just celebrated their year anniversary of conquering last year’s tornado. I found out that Dudley does NOT like storms while TD and Lola could care less. They seemed irritated that I put them in the downstairs bathroom, completely protected.

Today, I was nominated and elected for the North Dakota Young Professionals Network Secretary Position. I was nervous about it but excited too as I think it will continue to push my skills. I have a great leadership team that I get to work with so we’ll see how I grow from here.

This past weekend, Mel and I spent some time out and about. We ended up meeting a couple of guys last week and they invited us out to Patterson this week. Not exactly the lake I was expecting to see. It was an oversized pond with green floaties…good thing we had great company. We ended up sitting up on the boat all night, talking and watching shooting stars, sleeping and waking up to a glass lake with a beautiful sun. Mel and I both agreed that that was so refreshing to just laugh, not even drink, and have great conversation.

I’m constantly reminded that this summer is a summer where I get to define me and what I want. I want more. I want more sun, more laughs, more time, just plain MORE!


  1. Congratulations on the election! That is awesome. Good luck in your quest for MORE! Love you - Mom

  2. Contrats sweet lady! That is rock!!! :)
