
Monday, December 21, 2009


Wow, I have had to get myself in the holiday season really quick. I’m not sure I’m ready and am thinking of adopting my mother’s idea of just waiting until February to give out presents because it feels like October!

Last week I had two holiday parties-the Dickinson State University Holiday Social and the Dickinson YP party. I actually won a poinsettia plant at the DSU Social. I felt pretty good, actually the table that I sat at had 6 winners out of 9…Those are good odds…unless you are the other 125 people that didn’t win anything! We had a trivia competition party for YP. I didn’t win but wished I would have been more persuasive to my team about convincing them that Rocket Man did not hit the top 5 on the Billboard charts. Could’ve made the difference between 4th and 3rd place…who knows!

This past weekend I had the Dagman Christmas. It was endearing to see Ambour’s kids…how can you not feel in touched when you watch two kids under 4 open presents and proceed to thank everyone. The best present was $.52. Little Kemma got a purse and matching headband as a present and Mom convinced Dad to give her some money to put in her purse. She gave the sweetest hug and continued to play with “her money” for the rest of the present opening time. That little hug was the most Christmas I’ve felt this whole season.

1 comment:

  1. too bad you didn't get a picture of Kemma. That really was cute!! What a little doll.
