
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Slow week...AT HOME!

So…I’m sick…and I hate it! A nice weekend, with sunshine, and a Friday off for all the extra hours I put in this week…and I smell like Vic’s and have the taste of lemon-honey cough drops and airborne seeping through my pores! Byuck! This was the first weekend, we’ve had a chance to be home for the most part. I was going to clean and organize…all I did was organize my DVR! Ugh!

This week was busy with Field Day and the Innovate ND Kickoff. Our day was a success, Julie and I were very happy with the ending results and the amount of people that came and some of the conversations that took place. There is always room for improvement but we feel that Field Day has a great starting place. We will probably build it into next year’s budget!

I realize that I haven’t brought up much about the animals lately, probably because we have hardly spent time with our constant running around the county side. This past week, I have noticed a few things about our little herd. Lola has learned how to knock. When she feels that her presence should be made, at 3:42 am, she will set to knocking on our door to alert us to the fact that A.) she knows how to knock and B.) she wants to be let in. First time was cute, after that the novelty wore off. TonyDanza has been very conscious of plastic around the house and feels that it is his duty to clean each plastic bag with his tongue. We aren’t sure if this is a mineral deficiency or what exactly, we thought this habit would break but so far, no so much! Elvis-who continues to hate the mailman, now serves as Dan’s alarm clock. When Dan’s alarm did not go off for 3 days this week, it wasn’t a worry as the barking and whiney from below our window served as an alarm for both of us. It’s great during the week, but we are not sure how to educate Elvis on the difference between work days and weekends! All in all, we continue to be amazed with our herd, but have decided no more additions will be made ANY time soon!

Dan has been busy with work, but has run into trouble with Northwest Tire in Dickinson. They changed his oil this past weekend, but forgot about the transmission fluid when they finished. That left him in Grassy Butte trying to find a tow truck at 8:00 on Sunday morning. We’ll see how his manager does with finding him a new truck, until his can be repaired.

He spent some time with the boys this weekend. Korey will be leaving for National Guard basic training and AIT in 2 weeks. It hasn’t quite hit Dan yet that he’s going, but Dan said it might be a long winter! We are proud of Korey for following his dream of joining up and wish him luck and a quick return! We received a postcard from Chris in the mail this week. He was in Germany, based at a previous concentration camp. It was exciting to hear from him. These guys make me think of my sister and hope that she is preparing well for her future.

We had a guest this week, Alexis came on Wednesday night and we entertained her at Sanford’s and spent some of the night talking. It reminded me of high school—except a lot of things has changed! We are all grown up, well physically; I am still a whiner when it comes to being sick!

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