What a year for Matt and I. It's been a constant whirlwind of activity and discussion. It's been a year of planning. We are constant planners and often plan things that don't come to fruition... sometimes that's good, sometimes that's bad. Either way, it is what it is.
We planned trips.
We planned dinners.
We planned dreams.
We planned how things aught to go and if they didn't, we planned how we would handle it.
We did it together. 2015 is a year where Matt and I have really fallen into our groove. I can't imagine not working through issues with him to talk pros, cons, and logistics. 2015 is a year that I fell into love with more than my husband, but our relationship.
2016. It's coming and with it brings excitement and anticipation.
Here's to the New Year...and all that it brings.
Final look into 2015
This year's MJR Holiday Obsession: Eggnog.
ALR: I don't think you need to consume more than one quart a week.
MJR: But I only get it once a year.
ALR: You have been able to get it before Thanksgiving and it will extend past New Year's. That excuse really doesn't work.
MJR: It's really not that much.
ALR: I've lost track of how much you've already had and it's barely December.
Later that month.
MJR: You bought me two quarts!!
ALR: It is Christmas and you've been good.
MJR: You didn't find the one I've been hiding in the garage fridge?
ALR: Seriously?! You have a problem! This is not good for you. Your doctor wouldn't approve.
MJR looks at ALR sheepishly.
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Seriously. 500 posts. It’s been just over a year and I’ve
managed to churn out another 100.
This blog has been a labor of love. Some days it’s a
struggle to come up with good things to write about. After all, when all you
did over the weekend was cuddle up and avoid the cold, where’s the adventure
and romance in that. It’s way easier to write about the trips, the food, and
the antics of the cats. But sometimes, the cats are really boring too.
TonyDanza didn’t move the other day for over 6 hours. I went over and checked
if he was breathing, by waking him up.
At this time, I’d like to thank my solid readership which
consists of Remynses and 1 Moser. Thank you for your following. I write for you…otherwise
you send me hate texts and emails reminding me of my lapse.
Let’s get on with some stats. There hasn’t been too drastic
of a change.
You’ll see that the posts haven’t shaken up too much. Matt’s
grandfather’s obit gets the most action by far. I’ll be curious to see if Lee’s
obit also rises after more time. There was a swap in #2 and #3 from our 400th
post anniversary.
In regards to my international influence, I don’t think it’s
as significant as it looks. But a girl can dream about making her future as a
world travel blogger. #welcomingsponsors (blog first, I’ve never done a hashtag
Finally, here’s a view of the growth of the blog. The
largest peak was the peak from the wedding. The next peak was our 2014
Christmas Card followed by our vacationing posts from June of this year.
Final thoughts on 500.
If you are reading this, welcome to a
glimpse of our lives. I’ve tried to capture it so we can remember the highs,
celebrate the boring, and nod to the lows. I don’t know if the blog conveys
what an amazing life I have and how much I love my husband. I don’t know if it
conveys how we really are or if it's just a random piecing of my thoughts as we
continue to bumble along together. Matt and I use this blog to think back in time…to
remember where we were at, to remember what we had, to see pics of us changing, to hold time as best as possible.
I love hearing the feedback from people that get a kick out of the blog/us
because they get to see a little bit more than most. Maybe this blog is where I
brag but mostly this is where I’ve kept our memories. Here's to the first 500.... Let's toast to the next 500 and what comes with it.
ALR: Do you read the blog?
MJR: Yeah.
ALR: Oh, you never comment.
MJR: Yes, I do.
ALR: Correcting my grammar or spelling doesn’t count.
MJR: Well, you had my mom eating a crap sandwich.
ALR: I fixed that. I put a B where the P was. I’m just sayning I never get feedback from you.
MJR: When you are wrong, I’ll tell you.
ALR: There’s always a critic out there.
MJR: Yeah.
ALR: Oh, you never comment.
MJR: Yes, I do.
ALR: Correcting my grammar or spelling doesn’t count.
MJR: Well, you had my mom eating a crap sandwich.
ALR: I fixed that. I put a B where the P was. I’m just sayning I never get feedback from you.
MJR: When you are wrong, I’ll tell you.
ALR: There’s always a critic out there.
Monday, December 28, 2015
How to have 3 Christmases in 3 locations...
Christmas Time... and we managed to get one done early and finish the other 3.5 in short notice. We may officially have a Christmas hangover. Could have used a day off after the last one.
We kicked the final run off in Morristown at Grandma and Grandpa's. When we were down making cookies and turkey hunting, Grandma was sad that Christmas Eve had dwindled down so much. Matt and I decided that if possible, we were going to surprise them and attend. It was a small group, especially compared to when I was younger. Harry, Lisa, Kayla (with her husband Ty), Jay, Holly, Mom, Dad, and later Jaden and Austen. Was good to catch up and visit! We didn't have most ideal road conditions home - we were surrounded by fog. We made it by 2:30!
Now it wouldn't have been terrible sleeping for until I was woken up at 5:30 by the sound of Matt power puking! He ate too much Christmas and his gut was making him pay! Poor guy, we had a good laugh about it after we told each other "Merry Christmas!"
The next morning, we went to Lansford, we didn't move nearly as early as we'd have liked, getting on the road at 9:15.The best thing about the driving over this holiday was how beautiful the trees and houses looked with all the frost. Each day we traveled it was a winter Christmas card scene!

We made it up in time for a lunch of apps and snacks and opened gifts! Matt and I once again made out very well! Too well. Was happy to see them enjoy some of the things that we picked out for them too. My favorite gift was probably that they got me a nightstand that completed the king bedroom set that we just got ourselves. Matt was able to set it up right away when we got home the next day too and it looks so good! I'd say my husband's favorite gift was his Dirty Bird jacket for goose hunting. He'd been eyeing it for awhile and already had it in his mind that he wasn't going to get it!
We had supper of lasagna and enjoyed a relaxing evening! We both went to bed tired, full, and happy!
The next day we headed to base after breakfast for some shopping where we got spoiled again. I swapped my coat out for a different size and Michele and I did some serious shopping. The guys were unimpressed and sat nearby waiting (and sighing).

Matt and I had our Christmas that night. We did an apple butter pork loin with mashed potatoes, fresh bread, and veggies. We also exchanged gifts. I gave Matt binoculars for hunting along with a few small items. He gave me a beautiful necklace with May's birthstone dancing in the middle.
The next day, we took off to Center for the Dagman Christmas. It was another full house with ages ranging from almost 90 to 6 months. There was so much good food, loud noise, and the appropriate ribbing and whatnot. Was a nice day to catch up with everyone. Glad to see so many could make it!
We kicked the final run off in Morristown at Grandma and Grandpa's. When we were down making cookies and turkey hunting, Grandma was sad that Christmas Eve had dwindled down so much. Matt and I decided that if possible, we were going to surprise them and attend. It was a small group, especially compared to when I was younger. Harry, Lisa, Kayla (with her husband Ty), Jay, Holly, Mom, Dad, and later Jaden and Austen. Was good to catch up and visit! We didn't have most ideal road conditions home - we were surrounded by fog. We made it by 2:30!
Now it wouldn't have been terrible sleeping for until I was woken up at 5:30 by the sound of Matt power puking! He ate too much Christmas and his gut was making him pay! Poor guy, we had a good laugh about it after we told each other "Merry Christmas!"
We had supper of lasagna and enjoyed a relaxing evening! We both went to bed tired, full, and happy!
The next day we headed to base after breakfast for some shopping where we got spoiled again. I swapped my coat out for a different size and Michele and I did some serious shopping. The guys were unimpressed and sat nearby waiting (and sighing).
The next day, we took off to Center for the Dagman Christmas. It was another full house with ages ranging from almost 90 to 6 months. There was so much good food, loud noise, and the appropriate ribbing and whatnot. Was a nice day to catch up with everyone. Glad to see so many could make it!
Best meal: soo hard to say.... I ate so much food. too much food.
Christmas night:
MJR: The lasagna is good, Mom.
MJR: The lasagna is good, Mom.
Michele: Thanks! On this one I used no bake noodles.
MJR: No bake?
Michele: yeah, you put it into the lasagna and then into the oven.
MJR: No boil?
Michele: right, no bake.
MJR: Mom, how did you cook the lasagna?
Michele: you put it together and bake it. You don't put the noodles into water before.
MJR: Mom, do you hear yourself? You mean the noodles are no boil.
MJR: No boil?
Michele: right, no bake.
MJR: Mom, how did you cook the lasagna?
Michele: you put it together and bake it. You don't put the noodles into water before.
MJR: Mom, do you hear yourself? You mean the noodles are no boil.
Michele stares at him: You know what I mean!
At Dagman Christmas, Aunt Grace and Wes's son Tyler are playing on the floor.
Kyle (Wes's brother) says to Tyler: tickle her toes.
Grace laughs making Tyler laugh.
They soon have socks off comparing feet.
Grace: let me see if you have Dagman toes.
Grace: let me see if you have Dagman toes.
Tyler stares at feet.
Grace: nope you have Grandma Dar toes.
ALR: What's the difference?
Grace: nope you have Grandma Dar toes.
ALR: What's the difference?
Grace: Dagman toes have the second toe longer than the big toe.
ALR: What are Grandma Dar's toes?
Grace: Wrong.
ALR: What are Grandma Dar's toes?
Grace: Wrong.
Saturday, December 26, 2015
Christmas List
TonyDanza and Lola
- Ladder
- Goose Decoys - stationary and moving
- Blackhawk items
- UND items (especially sioux)
- Cubs items
- Homemade beer making kit
- Dirty Bird XXL Browning Camo Jacket
- Raffia Grass from Craft Store for goose blind
- Headlight for hunting/working
- Hard bottom blind bag for ammo
- 223 Gun
- Chicago Blackhawks Hat Trick DVD/Blu-Ray
- open back slip-on slippers
- Dakota Outdoors magazine subscription
- Socks - a special kind that Santa knows
- Tonneau cover for pickup
- crock weights
- Vortex binoculars
- Wallpaper removed from her bathroom and kitchen
- Legging that aren't see-through
- Philips Sonicare Toothbrush
- New kitchen floor
- Gift Certificates to PetCo to get TonyDanza shaved
- Penzey's Taco Seasoning
- Cricut Vinyl Cutting Machine with Vinyl Transfer Tape and basic tools
- King size bed with bedroom set and sheets!
- Pressure Washer (for deck/patio, etc)
- New Curtain rods for bedroom and craft room
- Rice Cooker
- New luggage set with 2 carryon sizes
- Folding Chairs
- New Clothes, including dress socks
- Popover Pan
- JellyRoll Lid
- Cookie Scoop
- Bath products
- Humidifier
- North Face jacket
- Auxiliary canner
- Aux speakers for Ipod
- Silicon potholders
- Dancing jewelry
TonyDanza and Lola
- Cat tree
- Ability to go outside whenever they want
- Milk treats
- Treats of anykind
Friday, December 25, 2015
How to say Merry Christmas... The Remynse Christmas Card
Holy crap, it's been a busy year.
January: Matt got himself a new pickup and Amanda made a tearful goodbye to the Grand Prix.
March: We took in some hockey.
April: We planned and plotted our garden. Matt built us a couple raised beds that kept us thoroughly entertained throughout the summer. We had tomatoes, beans, peas, onions, cabbage, kohlrabi, dill, peppers, and cucs, but don't ask about my pumpkins.
May: We ran away to the Twin Cities. Bought a boat and took in a Twins Game!
June: After Matt's work trip to SeattleWe ran away again to Philadelphia. Matt had a work trip but I was just there to play. We were able to see some family in Scranton, PA, and take a day trip to New York.
July: We ran away AGAIN to California. This time we road tripped for Uncle Kevin. We did it in a short amount of time so we could see as much family as possible, including a stopover in Vegas to see Matt's cousin! We also drove to Kansas that month to see one of my cousin's get married. Did I mention we also took in an Air Show in Fargo?
August: We went international! We took a trip to the Peace Gardens as I discovered the Peace Towers are coming down before they fall down. We decided to try to stay home as much as possible!
October: I made a work trip to Nashville before we had Matt's cousins and grandpa come to hunt pheasants. Had to make a map to see where we'd all been this past year.
November: We slowed down a bit... Matt hunted and I enjoyed the fall weather. I'm very excited for the holidays and what they bring including time with family and all my favorite seasonal foods. Did I also mention dragging out all of the winter/holiday decorations?
We did say a good bye to Matt's Grandma Lee, and planned a December trip to Michigan.
December: There's a whole month of wonderful season greetings to come!
We have so much to be thankful for this year and aside from all the memories, we want to thank those that continue to show us love and support... whether it's a hug, text, or long distance thought...we are fortunate to have an amazing network of family and friends.
Matt and I want to wish you and your family a beautiful season of love.
Things are about to get really good!
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
How to watch the littlest movements...
20 weeks, 1/2 way there. |
Her first question to us was if we wanted to find out the gender. A couple months ago, I had this feeling inside me, that it was a girl. I can't tell you why I thought that but it hit me. Matt was the opposite. He thought he'd be seeing boy blue. In the end, I don't care... I was happy we were pregnant, I was more worried about health risks.
We watched baby move, legs stretched, arms by the face. I watched wondering what it would be like in under 5 months. I watched the heart beat away. I watched the spine stretch. I watched this little piece of Matt and I slowly gripe my heart. I wondered about hair color and texture, I wondered about eye color. I watched.
I listened when the tech said 12oz.
I listened when the tech said girl.
Then my whole world changed a little a bit more.
The next day, I felt her move inside me. The first time, I could credit her with the feeling.
Name of the week: Charlotte
Cravings: Chips and Cookies
Pregnancy symptoms: itchy skin, trouble sleeping, vivid weird dream (I dreamed I was either an FAA Director or State Aviation Director and went to visit Matt at the Steel Airport - to which he told me, they don't have an airport)
Ultrasound Tech: See, that's the bottom of one foot.
MJR: 5 toes there.
Ultrasound Tech: And, now that baby moved, there's the bottom of the other foot.
MJR: phew, 5 there too.
ALR: You were worried?
MJR: 10 fingers, 10 toes, we are in the right step.
Ultrasound Tech: You know that even if they didn't have all 10 of each, it would be okay. Those aren't critical.
**This post was post-dated and released at a later date for reasons determined by ALR/MJR
How to understand the reason for the season...
Sometimes it's not about the big gifts that make Christmas, it's the special personal touches. It's the little things around the holidays that I love and search for each year.

We had our first Christmas of 4 on Sunday. We had the Christmas at the Farm. The schedule of events is always the same, which I love. The only things that have changed over the years are the roles and involvements. Dad does chores, I used to go out and help but now Matt has taken that role from me. We then enjoy Grandma's Christmas bread and open presents. Already, Matt and I did very well this year. You know you are getting old when you are most excited about the toothbrush that you got! Matt's favorite gift was his blind bag but one gift we didn't even know we wanted and liked was spare folding chairs, that match our current table.
From there, we prepare the meal, which over the past how many years has been fondue. This is one of my top three meals every year. I love the simplicity. I love watching how my father enjoys it. I love the creativity and fun. We had a different time this year as Alaina had her tonsils and adenoids removed. For her I made a creamy fettuccine Alfredo.
It was a beautiful day that was completely relaxed and full of family (jokes and jabs too). The only thing we were missing was the little chihuahua, Bell. After 10 years of winning the hearts of many, specifically my parents, they had to have her put down due to heart and liver failure. I know what she meant to our family and she won't be easily forgotten.
The other beautiful thing that I watched this week was what Kevie, Matt's cousin, did. At Lee's funeral, it was a great time to spend with family and have them share memories. Matt is more sentimental than most realize. He keeps things that bring him memories and it's an endearing quality that I love. It reminds me how much he does care even when he doesn't appear to show any feelings. One of his favorite memories of his Grandmother Lee is when they'd make tea. They'd use two particular cups and he'd say, "Just serve me, Grandma."
This week those two tea cups and saucers showed up at our doorstep. Lee had given them to Kevie long ago on a trip to Vegas but after Matt shared his stories, Kevie decided to send the cups to Matt. Her note and thoughtfulness touched me. I've always thought of Kevie as a giving soul and this gesture not only confirmed this further, it brought tears to my eyes. We decided both some of the four piece set will return back to Kevie but the gesture wasn't lost and the smile when he saw them won't be either.
Best meal: I love the fondue with the oil and cheese followed with caramel and chocolate for dessert. Next year it will probably be different but this meal is always a favorite because of the process and all.
MJR: There is a note.
ALR: I'll read it.
ALR reads Kevie's note outloud.
ALR: "P.s. I think this is blog worthy."
ALR: Yes, you are completely right, Kevie, this is very blog worthy.
MJR looking down and smiling at teeny cup in hand.
MJR: Just serve me, Grandma.
From there, we prepare the meal, which over the past how many years has been fondue. This is one of my top three meals every year. I love the simplicity. I love watching how my father enjoys it. I love the creativity and fun. We had a different time this year as Alaina had her tonsils and adenoids removed. For her I made a creamy fettuccine Alfredo.
It was a beautiful day that was completely relaxed and full of family (jokes and jabs too). The only thing we were missing was the little chihuahua, Bell. After 10 years of winning the hearts of many, specifically my parents, they had to have her put down due to heart and liver failure. I know what she meant to our family and she won't be easily forgotten.
The other beautiful thing that I watched this week was what Kevie, Matt's cousin, did. At Lee's funeral, it was a great time to spend with family and have them share memories. Matt is more sentimental than most realize. He keeps things that bring him memories and it's an endearing quality that I love. It reminds me how much he does care even when he doesn't appear to show any feelings. One of his favorite memories of his Grandmother Lee is when they'd make tea. They'd use two particular cups and he'd say, "Just serve me, Grandma."
This week those two tea cups and saucers showed up at our doorstep. Lee had given them to Kevie long ago on a trip to Vegas but after Matt shared his stories, Kevie decided to send the cups to Matt. Her note and thoughtfulness touched me. I've always thought of Kevie as a giving soul and this gesture not only confirmed this further, it brought tears to my eyes. We decided both some of the four piece set will return back to Kevie but the gesture wasn't lost and the smile when he saw them won't be either.
Best meal: I love the fondue with the oil and cheese followed with caramel and chocolate for dessert. Next year it will probably be different but this meal is always a favorite because of the process and all.
MJR: There is a note.
ALR: I'll read it.
ALR reads Kevie's note outloud.
ALR: "P.s. I think this is blog worthy."
ALR: Yes, you are completely right, Kevie, this is very blog worthy.
MJR looking down and smiling at teeny cup in hand.
MJR: Just serve me, Grandma.
Monday, December 14, 2015
How Christmas sneaks up on you...
So I looked at the calendar and realized that we were almost halfway to CHRISTMAS! AHHH! I don't know how it sneaks up on me!
I started getting out all the Christmas totes for decorating. I love the feel that the decorations bring and even though I told Matt, I won't be buying any Christmas decorations this year, I'm not sure that that is an honest response. Let's be serious. The only difficult thing is the "help" that I get around the house with the decorations. Two little helpers that wander around while I continue to yell, "Stop Eating Christmas!"
Each year I try a few new things...leads me to be creative. I had more ideas for this year... but I'm thinking it may not happen, shoot, the tree is barely decorated!

This week I gave my Grandma Dar her Christmas present. This is a tradition I kicked off last year, what do you give a woman that has everything? Time and memories...so in a sense, it's a Christmas gift to me. Last year and this year, we pick a show or a concert and make a date night out of it. This year it was Cirque Dreams Holidaze. It's a variety acts of sorts where the Christmas toys and ornaments come to life. It was amazing and had jugglers, acrobats, balancers, roller skaters, comedy/audience involvement, tumblers, dancers, singers, contortionists... many times I didn't know where to look because there was multiple things going on filling the stage. It was a wonderful night and I was so glad to spend it with her.
On Friday night, we held the second annual Moser movie night. Despite some communication bumbles, we had great apps and Matt and Dad went off to a movie that they both deemed terrible! Mom and I and Alaina watched netflix Christmas movies! Alaina was in and out as she had her tonsils and adenoids out, leaving her to be a bump on a couch while she dealt with the pain! Was a nice night to kick off a busy weekend!

Grandma Dar wasn't the only grandma that I spent time with this week. It was a two-fer as Matt and I headed down to Morristown so he could turkey hunt and I could make sugar cookies with Grandma Elaine. What a good day! Matt did end up getting his turkey, I didn't realize how ugly they were in person. He also went coyote hunting and pheasant hunting with my cousins. Matt probably had the best weekend ever because the day before he was impromptu invited to go duck hunting with our neighbor, Bob. By the way, TonyDanza's new favorite thing is when Matt cleans birds. He sits and purrs and patiently waits for scraps to drop. It's very sad.

Back to Grandma's house, we made cookies and had a little trouble, which I admitted to her that I was glad to see as I thought all her cookie turned out like a dream (She informed me that I didn't know all the words that she said!). In the end, they turned out pretty well. We got them frosted and decorated, with the help of supervisor Grandpa and and head sugar sprinkler, Matt, who ate just as much frosting as the rest.
I wanted to take a picture with her and our cookies, but she was not having it!
At the end of the weekend, we decorated the tree. It's only been up and naked for a solid week but Matt got the lights and star on, I pulled out some of the decorations and we snacked a bit. I may be actually ready for Christmas when it comes. I got some baking done on Saturday inbetween friend visits both, Kay and the Noes made it to Bismarck.
Best meal: Sure we had a lot of good ones like pizza at McKenzie River but my favorite is grandma's chicken, with gravy, mashed potatoes, scalloped corn, and dessert. Always a hit.
MJR: What’s for supper tomorrow night?
ALR: Chicken Fajita Pizza.
MJR: No, I don’t like Chicken Fajita Pizza.
MJR (backtracking): I don’t want new recipe night, you’ve never made it.
ALR: Yes, I did! I remember us having it.
MJR: Okay, I didn’t like it when you made it.
ALR: What!!! You ate it! You didn’t say anything!
MJR: Because you made it when we were dating.
ALR looks down at TonyDanza: It’s all lies, TonyDanza, all lies.
Additional story of the week
MJR and ALR getting ready to head out the door for Morristown
MJR: I've never hunted turkey a day in my life.
ALR: What?
MJR: I don't know what to do,
ALR: What?
MJR: what shot to use,
ALR: What?
MJR: And I've never cleaned one either.
ALR: Are you serious.
MJR: Yep.
ALR: Why are we just finding out about this now?
MJR: I think I should have done more research.
ALR stares at him.
MJR: If I don't get one, it's not really a big deal. It's just about the experience. See, me telling you that, wasn't worth about the $15 price of the tag?
I started getting out all the Christmas totes for decorating. I love the feel that the decorations bring and even though I told Matt, I won't be buying any Christmas decorations this year, I'm not sure that that is an honest response. Let's be serious. The only difficult thing is the "help" that I get around the house with the decorations. Two little helpers that wander around while I continue to yell, "Stop Eating Christmas!"
Each year I try a few new things...leads me to be creative. I had more ideas for this year... but I'm thinking it may not happen, shoot, the tree is barely decorated!
On Friday night, we held the second annual Moser movie night. Despite some communication bumbles, we had great apps and Matt and Dad went off to a movie that they both deemed terrible! Mom and I and Alaina watched netflix Christmas movies! Alaina was in and out as she had her tonsils and adenoids out, leaving her to be a bump on a couch while she dealt with the pain! Was a nice night to kick off a busy weekend!
Grandma Dar wasn't the only grandma that I spent time with this week. It was a two-fer as Matt and I headed down to Morristown so he could turkey hunt and I could make sugar cookies with Grandma Elaine. What a good day! Matt did end up getting his turkey, I didn't realize how ugly they were in person. He also went coyote hunting and pheasant hunting with my cousins. Matt probably had the best weekend ever because the day before he was impromptu invited to go duck hunting with our neighbor, Bob. By the way, TonyDanza's new favorite thing is when Matt cleans birds. He sits and purrs and patiently waits for scraps to drop. It's very sad.
I wanted to take a picture with her and our cookies, but she was not having it!
At the end of the weekend, we decorated the tree. It's only been up and naked for a solid week but Matt got the lights and star on, I pulled out some of the decorations and we snacked a bit. I may be actually ready for Christmas when it comes. I got some baking done on Saturday inbetween friend visits both, Kay and the Noes made it to Bismarck.
Best meal: Sure we had a lot of good ones like pizza at McKenzie River but my favorite is grandma's chicken, with gravy, mashed potatoes, scalloped corn, and dessert. Always a hit.
MJR: What’s for supper tomorrow night?
ALR: Chicken Fajita Pizza.
MJR: No, I don’t like Chicken Fajita Pizza.
MJR (backtracking): I don’t want new recipe night, you’ve never made it.
ALR: Yes, I did! I remember us having it.
MJR: Okay, I didn’t like it when you made it.
ALR: What!!! You ate it! You didn’t say anything!
MJR: Because you made it when we were dating.
ALR looks down at TonyDanza: It’s all lies, TonyDanza, all lies.
Additional story of the week
MJR and ALR getting ready to head out the door for Morristown
MJR: I've never hunted turkey a day in my life.
ALR: What?
MJR: I don't know what to do,
ALR: What?
MJR: what shot to use,
ALR: What?
MJR: And I've never cleaned one either.
ALR: Are you serious.
MJR: Yep.
ALR: Why are we just finding out about this now?
MJR: I think I should have done more research.
ALR stares at him.
MJR: If I don't get one, it's not really a big deal. It's just about the experience. See, me telling you that, wasn't worth about the $15 price of the tag?
Monday, December 7, 2015
How to get the family involved

Was cute when little Jason stated that he's getting a new cousin! Was so sweet!
We had a few hiccups when coming home. Baby did not like the dissent into MSP. After a few turns to do final approach, I got very nauseous and Matt was reach for the puke bag. Matt was a bit concerned that baby doesn't like to fly but we'll see further down the road.

Name of the week: Ingrid - even though Michele does not like it. Matt and I have a rule, we make it- we get to name it.
Cravings: Chips (specifically Sour Cream and Onion Pringles), Chocolate Milk
Pregnancy symptoms: More weight gain, water retention, back aches, dry eyes, and itchy skin.
a child starts crying
Cousin Ethan says to MJR: See, that's something that you have to look forward to.
Cousin Aaron doesn't understand and looks at MJR: Are you guys expecting?
MJR: Yes.
Cousin Ethan realizes that he's the reason the cat was "let out of the bag": Woahhh!
MJR later tells ALR how the cousins know now before Grandma does.
ALR hits him: That wasn't suppose to happen!
MJR: I didn't plan it to happen that way... it came out!
While telling Big Jason and Normal Sara
NS: We are going to go kayaking tomorrow. So the next time you guys come out, we can do that!
MJR sees opportunity: Well, we are going to need 2 big kayaks and one little one.
NS: That's fine, we have a 3 foot one that's a bit smaller that should work.
BJ: Did you find out if it's a boy or girl yet?
NS: Wait a minute, WHAT! What's going on here!!!
MJR and ALR chuckle.
**This post was post-dated and released at a later date for reasons determined by ALR/MJR
Saturday, December 5, 2015
How to say good bye a final time...
The Christmas Card is out and we know it's hit a few mailboxes. Like normal, I have posted the letter with links to some of this year's highlights.
This past week we traveled again, this time to say good bye to Matt's grandmother, Lee. During the service I heard the perfect way to explain her passing, Vicki (a niece who gave the ceremony) stated it plain and simple, Lee was finally freed from the body that had come to betray her these past couple years. I've only known her since her strokes had stripped away so much from her so hearing the stories, seeing the pictures, and getting more of her story was something to let me know a little more about the woman that used to care for my husbands during the summers as he grew up.
It was a wonderful time to see family despite the situation. I've always enjoyed Matt's family and their closeness despite the many miles never ceases to amaze me. Their bonds including the joking and the genuine concern for each other is what makes me proud to be a member of the family. Everyone was able to make it back for the funeral and arrangements, which is no small task, especially if you consider that people came from CA, NV, UT, MS, ND, AZ, and MI.

We took off on Tuesday-when we had our first big snow of the year coming down at our house, the family viewing was on Wednesday, the funeral on Thursday and we took off late on Friday... it all seems a blur looking back. I think a few memories stand out to me specifically... seeing everyone pick up where they left off the last time we saw them, how good Lee looked as we said good bye, seeing the pictures from the past and the memories that were shared (each time I get a bit better grasp on the family tree), seeing my mother-in-law in the most pretty pastel pink, and seeing how important family is to my husband and the lengths he goes. Makes me fall in love with him a bit more.. and doing that looking good in a suit doesn't hurt at all either. He was the family trendsetter as he was the one who started the family to wear pink and purple to the viewing and the funeral in honor of his grandmother's favorite colors.
Another thing that's happened that I blazed over was Thanksgiving! We spent it at Wes and Kristi's house, a first for them. Was a full house and the amount of food could have feed the block. It was a good day with family too. As expected I overate and hurt so bad for the remainder of the day.
Best meal: so many meals.. my favorite was probably my last one all together with the Remynses before we flew out at Old Burdick Pub with family friends Dee and Luann Bigelow. Kevie and I shared a double double burger with white cheddar truffle fries and fried pickles. Matt had a grilled club. There were so many conversations and stories and laughs, the food was good too which always helps.
ALR: Is she all ready? (reference Lee's casket)
MJR: Yep, she's got her slippers, her robe, her purse.
ALR: What's in her purse?
MJR lists off a few items
ALR: No cigarettes?
MJR: We need to go pick some up.
Kevie: Don't forget the lighter.
Sara: I can bum a final cigarette off her. Just like old times.
Lee Remynse was loving wife, mother and grandmother and a cherished friend. She was generous yet frugal, laid back yet fun loving. Delighting family and friends with her wit and humor, Lee was proud to see that trait rub off on her children. In so many ways, she made life sweet for the family that meant the world to her.
Lee’s story began in Kalamazoo, Michigan during the harsh years of the Great Depression. Families were struggling to survive yet managed to make life pleasant by their resilient spirit and hopeful outlook. Lena Mae or Lee as she was always called, was born July 25, 1931, the fourth of Lambert and Minnie (Talma) Dieterman’s five children. She enjoyed a childhood of friendships and fun, which characterized her life into adulthood.
Growing up on the city’s north side; Lee attended the area schools and graduated from Kalamazoo Central. She went to work for the Upjohn Company, a major employer in central Michigan. Yet more than being a preferred place to work, the site provided the setting for a romantic relationship to begin. When Lee met Robert Remynse, she formed an instant crush on the handsome young man. While it was true that she had to chase him a bit, Robert didn’t mind being caught because they both knew they were meant to be together. So it was that Lee married the love of her life on December 17, 1954 and received his daughter Nancy into her heart.
When their sons Rick, Randy and Kevin who was suppose to be a girl, were born, Lee and Robert raised them on Beethoven Avenue in Portage, along with their dog Betsy. One of Lee’s favorite stories to share about Betsy was the time she was sleeping in the middle of the road. A driver coming down the road laid on his horn to get the dog to move. If Betsy was rattled, it couldn’t have been half as much as the driver, whose horn stuck and could be heard all over the neighborhood.
Always looking for ways to save money and work for items that the family could use, Lee became masterful at “couponing.” At times, she and the kids went “dumpster diving” so they could help her snag the valued UPC codes from various products and she could send away for rebates and promotional gifts. If she wanted new furniture for their home, she worked to purchase what she wanted. When Robert and his brother-in-law Tom Cross opened a diner in Vicksburg, Lee was right there working the counter. She and her sister Heddy ran the Sugar Shack for many years, giving customers the hamburger and soda fountain experience.
Lee’s best friend and “partner in crime” for over 60 years was Joyce Carruth. The two of them could sit for hours talking on the phone, smoking and drinking Pepsi. They also shopped together, sometimes on foot but certainly by screen. Lee loved QVC the home shopping network and redecorating her house was a good way to use some of her purchases. When she sat down with a good book, it was most often a Perry Mason mystery.
If, from time to time, Lee gave into a craving for peanut butter with chocolate, it can be said that she absolutely indulged in a favorite pastime—casino gambling. Every year, she and Robert spent a month traveling to Las Vegas and Laughlin, Nevada for a little video poker. Their road trips included a side trip to California to see their son Kevin and to North Dakota to see their son Randy, where they also played at the Indian band casinos. Lee always said that if she hit a Royal Flush she was going to use the winnings to buy her daughter-in-law Michele a new stove. Unfortunately, the dream never materialized, and it has been said that Michele needed therapy to get over the loss of a new stove.
Having such high regard for her daughters-in-law was typical of Lee, who loved them as daughters and easily welcomed them into her life. It was because of these quickly formed bonds that when Lee’s health began to fail, Jerri and then Michele naturally became her caregivers. The family was grateful for their dedication and loving care over the last four years. When the family grew to include grandchildren and later a great-grandchild, Lee couldn’t have been happier. She loved having them around and spoiling them with such goodies as Klondike bars. The time she spent with grandkids Matt, Nathan, Eric, Beth, Kevie and Jason at the summer house on West Lake made for great memories. The entire family will always remember Lee’s love and laughter.
Lena Mae Remynse, age 84 of Portage, Michigan died at her son’s home in North Dakota on November 27, 2015. Her husband Robert Lawrence Remynse preceded her in death October 7, 2013. Lee was also preceded in death by her brother Henry Dieterman, her sisters Marge Wdowicki and Heddy Cross and her daughter-in-law Jerri Remynse.
Members of Lee’s family include her children, Rick Remynse, Randy (Michele) Remynse, Kevin Remynse, step daughter Nancy (Ashraf Maher) Remynse, her 6 grandchildren: Jason (Sara) Remynse, Kevie Remynse, Matthew (Amanda) Remynse, Nathan (Rachel) Remynse, Eric Remynse, Beth (Christopher) Fryling; her great grandson Jason Remynse II, her sister Martha Veldcamp-Spencer as well as many other relatives.
Visit with Lee’s family on Wednesday December 2, 2015 from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. at Life Story Funeral Homes, Portage where a funeral service will be held on Thursday, December 3, 2015 at 11:00 a.m.
This past week we traveled again, this time to say good bye to Matt's grandmother, Lee. During the service I heard the perfect way to explain her passing, Vicki (a niece who gave the ceremony) stated it plain and simple, Lee was finally freed from the body that had come to betray her these past couple years. I've only known her since her strokes had stripped away so much from her so hearing the stories, seeing the pictures, and getting more of her story was something to let me know a little more about the woman that used to care for my husbands during the summers as he grew up.
It was a wonderful time to see family despite the situation. I've always enjoyed Matt's family and their closeness despite the many miles never ceases to amaze me. Their bonds including the joking and the genuine concern for each other is what makes me proud to be a member of the family. Everyone was able to make it back for the funeral and arrangements, which is no small task, especially if you consider that people came from CA, NV, UT, MS, ND, AZ, and MI.

Another thing that's happened that I blazed over was Thanksgiving! We spent it at Wes and Kristi's house, a first for them. Was a full house and the amount of food could have feed the block. It was a good day with family too. As expected I overate and hurt so bad for the remainder of the day.
Best meal: so many meals.. my favorite was probably my last one all together with the Remynses before we flew out at Old Burdick Pub with family friends Dee and Luann Bigelow. Kevie and I shared a double double burger with white cheddar truffle fries and fried pickles. Matt had a grilled club. There were so many conversations and stories and laughs, the food was good too which always helps.
ALR: Is she all ready? (reference Lee's casket)
MJR: Yep, she's got her slippers, her robe, her purse.
ALR: What's in her purse?
MJR lists off a few items
ALR: No cigarettes?
MJR: We need to go pick some up.
Kevie: Don't forget the lighter.
Sara: I can bum a final cigarette off her. Just like old times.

Lee’s story began in Kalamazoo, Michigan during the harsh years of the Great Depression. Families were struggling to survive yet managed to make life pleasant by their resilient spirit and hopeful outlook. Lena Mae or Lee as she was always called, was born July 25, 1931, the fourth of Lambert and Minnie (Talma) Dieterman’s five children. She enjoyed a childhood of friendships and fun, which characterized her life into adulthood.
Growing up on the city’s north side; Lee attended the area schools and graduated from Kalamazoo Central. She went to work for the Upjohn Company, a major employer in central Michigan. Yet more than being a preferred place to work, the site provided the setting for a romantic relationship to begin. When Lee met Robert Remynse, she formed an instant crush on the handsome young man. While it was true that she had to chase him a bit, Robert didn’t mind being caught because they both knew they were meant to be together. So it was that Lee married the love of her life on December 17, 1954 and received his daughter Nancy into her heart.
When their sons Rick, Randy and Kevin who was suppose to be a girl, were born, Lee and Robert raised them on Beethoven Avenue in Portage, along with their dog Betsy. One of Lee’s favorite stories to share about Betsy was the time she was sleeping in the middle of the road. A driver coming down the road laid on his horn to get the dog to move. If Betsy was rattled, it couldn’t have been half as much as the driver, whose horn stuck and could be heard all over the neighborhood.
Always looking for ways to save money and work for items that the family could use, Lee became masterful at “couponing.” At times, she and the kids went “dumpster diving” so they could help her snag the valued UPC codes from various products and she could send away for rebates and promotional gifts. If she wanted new furniture for their home, she worked to purchase what she wanted. When Robert and his brother-in-law Tom Cross opened a diner in Vicksburg, Lee was right there working the counter. She and her sister Heddy ran the Sugar Shack for many years, giving customers the hamburger and soda fountain experience.
Lee’s best friend and “partner in crime” for over 60 years was Joyce Carruth. The two of them could sit for hours talking on the phone, smoking and drinking Pepsi. They also shopped together, sometimes on foot but certainly by screen. Lee loved QVC the home shopping network and redecorating her house was a good way to use some of her purchases. When she sat down with a good book, it was most often a Perry Mason mystery.
If, from time to time, Lee gave into a craving for peanut butter with chocolate, it can be said that she absolutely indulged in a favorite pastime—casino gambling. Every year, she and Robert spent a month traveling to Las Vegas and Laughlin, Nevada for a little video poker. Their road trips included a side trip to California to see their son Kevin and to North Dakota to see their son Randy, where they also played at the Indian band casinos. Lee always said that if she hit a Royal Flush she was going to use the winnings to buy her daughter-in-law Michele a new stove. Unfortunately, the dream never materialized, and it has been said that Michele needed therapy to get over the loss of a new stove.
Having such high regard for her daughters-in-law was typical of Lee, who loved them as daughters and easily welcomed them into her life. It was because of these quickly formed bonds that when Lee’s health began to fail, Jerri and then Michele naturally became her caregivers. The family was grateful for their dedication and loving care over the last four years. When the family grew to include grandchildren and later a great-grandchild, Lee couldn’t have been happier. She loved having them around and spoiling them with such goodies as Klondike bars. The time she spent with grandkids Matt, Nathan, Eric, Beth, Kevie and Jason at the summer house on West Lake made for great memories. The entire family will always remember Lee’s love and laughter.
Lena Mae Remynse, age 84 of Portage, Michigan died at her son’s home in North Dakota on November 27, 2015. Her husband Robert Lawrence Remynse preceded her in death October 7, 2013. Lee was also preceded in death by her brother Henry Dieterman, her sisters Marge Wdowicki and Heddy Cross and her daughter-in-law Jerri Remynse.
Members of Lee’s family include her children, Rick Remynse, Randy (Michele) Remynse, Kevin Remynse, step daughter Nancy (Ashraf Maher) Remynse, her 6 grandchildren: Jason (Sara) Remynse, Kevie Remynse, Matthew (Amanda) Remynse, Nathan (Rachel) Remynse, Eric Remynse, Beth (Christopher) Fryling; her great grandson Jason Remynse II, her sister Martha Veldcamp-Spencer as well as many other relatives.
Visit with Lee’s family on Wednesday December 2, 2015 from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. at Life Story Funeral Homes, Portage where a funeral service will be held on Thursday, December 3, 2015 at 11:00 a.m.
Monday, November 23, 2015
How to take it easy before the holidays start...
It's the week of Thanksgiving. Hard to believe, especially because we've had a November mostly in the 60's. This week had a bit of a cold snap with a little snow, but it's been a beautiful fall.
We had a pretty low key weekend. I started Friday with a trip to Linton with my mother to pick up the beef. Randy also stopped by to ensure that they got theirs. We got it all in the freezer and it looked good! We also took down a small wedding that night.
On Saturday, we headed to the big craft show! Matt isn't as wild about this one as others but I typically enjoy it. We bought a few Christmas presents and a present for ourselves too.
That afternoon, Matt went out to work cows, I put chair covers on at a wedding.
Sunday morning was a lazy day... we slept in and then measured our room for possibilities with a king sized bed. I'd like our room to be a foot wider... but I guess we all have to make sacrifices. We have one picked out that we like but we also want to redo our floor. It's tough to be an adult with choices! The rest of the day was pretty relaxed too, a trip to the farm, a limit of birds, a trip to Sam's. I love lazy weekends.
Best meal: it's been a weird week of meal. Nothing really stands out... I did make grilled cheese sandwiches with tomatoes and oregano that made my day! I guess I'm getting ready for warm/comfort food of winter!
Lola: Meow!
MJR: What?
Lola: Meeeow!
MJR: What?
Lola: Meoww!
MJR: Whhhat!!!!
Lola: Meeerr...
MJR: I love you too.
We had a pretty low key weekend. I started Friday with a trip to Linton with my mother to pick up the beef. Randy also stopped by to ensure that they got theirs. We got it all in the freezer and it looked good! We also took down a small wedding that night.
On Saturday, we headed to the big craft show! Matt isn't as wild about this one as others but I typically enjoy it. We bought a few Christmas presents and a present for ourselves too.
That afternoon, Matt went out to work cows, I put chair covers on at a wedding.
Sunday morning was a lazy day... we slept in and then measured our room for possibilities with a king sized bed. I'd like our room to be a foot wider... but I guess we all have to make sacrifices. We have one picked out that we like but we also want to redo our floor. It's tough to be an adult with choices! The rest of the day was pretty relaxed too, a trip to the farm, a limit of birds, a trip to Sam's. I love lazy weekends.
Best meal: it's been a weird week of meal. Nothing really stands out... I did make grilled cheese sandwiches with tomatoes and oregano that made my day! I guess I'm getting ready for warm/comfort food of winter!
Lola: Meow!
MJR: What?
Lola: Meeeow!
MJR: What?
Lola: Meoww!
MJR: Whhhat!!!!
Lola: Meeerr...
MJR: I love you too.
Monday, November 16, 2015
How to tell the first round of family...
We told two more people... much to the relief of my in-laws. We told Kevin while he was up for deer season and we called and let Judy know. Now my in-laws can finally talk about it with their respective siblings. Judy handled it much like my sister, there were some tears and some speechlessness. I also finally had to break down and start wearing maternity jeans. I've been squeezing into my regular clothes as long as possible because I don't want to buy a new wardrobe but after finally having some comfort and relief, I probably should have tried them on a week or two ago. We are still talking about letting it slip to the family and just aren't sure - we want to make sure everything is safe and good to go. We started small. Maybe Thanksgiving, maybe Christmas for the rest. I'm not sure we can hold off until Christmas as I'm starting to get a little bump. Looks like I've ate a huge meal all the time.
Name of the week: Evan
Cravings: things I'm not supposed to have... sandwich meat, grouper, over easy eggs
Pregnancy symptoms: Headaches, weight gain, running/stuffy nose, and lack of sleeping
MJR: Yeah, Judy, we won't be able to go on the cruise next spring. And I bet my mother's not going anymore too.
Judy: Oh, okay.
MJR: Yeah, it will be a bummer but Amanda for sure can't go.
Judy: Why's that?
MJR: She'll probably just be out of the delivery room.
Judy, speechless crying begins.
ALR tears up too.
Judy: Oh that is awesome! That is so awesome!
Judy to grandson Liam: It's okay, Liam, these are happy tears.
Judy to MJR: He's worried about me! You guys are going to be the best parents.
MJR: You have more confidence in us right now than we do. I'm going to need to get a book for after the baby comes.
Judy: This is so awesome!
MJR: And baby's first plane ride will probably be your wedding in September.
Judy: This just keeps getting better and better!
MJR: Mom will be glad that you know.
Judy: I'm calling her right now!!!!
**This post was post-dated and released at a later date for reasons determined by ALR/MJR
Name of the week: Evan
Cravings: things I'm not supposed to have... sandwich meat, grouper, over easy eggs
Pregnancy symptoms: Headaches, weight gain, running/stuffy nose, and lack of sleeping
Judy: Oh, okay.
MJR: Yeah, it will be a bummer but Amanda for sure can't go.
Judy: Why's that?
MJR: She'll probably just be out of the delivery room.
Judy, speechless crying begins.
ALR tears up too.
Judy: Oh that is awesome! That is so awesome!
Judy to grandson Liam: It's okay, Liam, these are happy tears.
Judy to MJR: He's worried about me! You guys are going to be the best parents.
MJR: You have more confidence in us right now than we do. I'm going to need to get a book for after the baby comes.
Judy: This is so awesome!
MJR: And baby's first plane ride will probably be your wedding in September.
Judy: This just keeps getting better and better!
MJR: Mom will be glad that you know.
Judy: I'm calling her right now!!!!
**This post was post-dated and released at a later date for reasons determined by ALR/MJR
How to enjoy Nov weather with OOS family....
Finally a week that isn't filled with mucinex, tylenol, and robitussinDM. I think I'm going to live!
Wednesday was Veteran's Day and Matt and I spent it with some of our favorite service members. We headed up to Lansford to see the family. Was great to spend time with Kevin, J, Randy and Michele, just visiting, catching up and we even made a trip into town. After a little shopping at the mall, we went to the Starving Rooster and enjoyed apps, pizza, and a few desserts. Was a great meal!
Saturday the good weather of ND continued. It's been a beautiful November with temps in the 60's and only frosts. We've been letting the cats out to enjoy the fun. I don't think they like the leaves but it has allowed us to prep the garden beds for next year's crop.
That night, Michele and Randy stopped on their way back from Minneapolis full of stories of where they'd eaten and what they'd seen on their quick relief trip away while Kevin and J watched Lee. We had given them a few recommendations and it was fun to hear that they enjoyed them. They even got one up on us as they tried a place that we hadn't had before.
Sunday was another around the house day. We did help weigh calves but Matt washed cars, I did laundry, and picked up. Was good to putter around.
Best meal: Starving Rooster... I had the ground hog, which was a white pizza with chicken, ham, and Italian bread crumbs.
Wednesday was Veteran's Day and Matt and I spent it with some of our favorite service members. We headed up to Lansford to see the family. Was great to spend time with Kevin, J, Randy and Michele, just visiting, catching up and we even made a trip into town. After a little shopping at the mall, we went to the Starving Rooster and enjoyed apps, pizza, and a few desserts. Was a great meal!
Thursday night was filled with prepping for a wedding. We put on chair covers for a couple hours.
Friday was another day to see out of state family as my cousin, Jake, met Matt and I, along with my cousin Kate and her family for lunch. Was good to catch up and see what's going on with him and his family. I had seen his girlfriend in Nashville so how ironic was it that he was able to get a trip to ND within the past month. That night we had an impromptu supper with my parents.

That night, Michele and Randy stopped on their way back from Minneapolis full of stories of where they'd eaten and what they'd seen on their quick relief trip away while Kevin and J watched Lee. We had given them a few recommendations and it was fun to hear that they enjoyed them. They even got one up on us as they tried a place that we hadn't had before.
Sunday was another around the house day. We did help weigh calves but Matt washed cars, I did laundry, and picked up. Was good to putter around.
Best meal: Starving Rooster... I had the ground hog, which was a white pizza with chicken, ham, and Italian bread crumbs.
MJR: I think we should go to Florida in January.
ALR: I think we need a king sized bed and want to replace the floor in the kitchen.
MJR: But we could do it for pretty cheap.
ALR: Are you just jealous that your parents are off doing things that we recommended and you are stuck at home not getting to see and eat fun things?
MJR wistfully: Maybe.
Dear Matt:
I've decided if you can't beat them, join them.
Love your best friend forever -
p.s. Maybe it's Stockholm syndrome?
ALR: I think we need a king sized bed and want to replace the floor in the kitchen.
MJR: But we could do it for pretty cheap.
ALR: Are you just jealous that your parents are off doing things that we recommended and you are stuck at home not getting to see and eat fun things?
MJR wistfully: Maybe.
Dear Matt:
I've decided if you can't beat them, join them.
Love your best friend forever -
p.s. Maybe it's Stockholm syndrome?
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