So while checking the lake once, during the spring thaw, I proposed the idea of getting a paddleboat as a gift to each other for our second year anniversary. We agreed.
This conversation spun into the idea that paddleboats may be hard to find in North Dakota. It would be easier in the land of 10,000 lakes, Minnesota. From there we decided maybe we should take a trip to the cities to see the Pinkerton's, John and Allison. John and Matt were groomsmen in each other's weddings. And in order to save time off we decided to do it over Memorial weekend, versus go camp where we usually sit inside the camper and watch movies until the generator burns out because it always rains on Memorial Weekend.
So Friday afternoon, we were off! 426 miles in 6 hours. We pretty much drove straight through. I did take a small nap but as usual the conversations went from deep to planning to random. It's a good thing that I love that man, otherwise road trips would be much more painful.
When we got there, Pinkerton's took us out to eat in this cute neighborhood by their place in St. Louis Park. They didn't waste time in dropping the big news like John was going to Delta, they were moving to Los Angeles because he will be based there, they are probably selling their house, and Allison is expecting in October. Was hard to compete with that level of exciting news. Made our garden boxes and recent carpet cleaning seem very dull.
Lunch stop: Steele Gas Station which has Pizza Hut, Subway, Caribou Coffee - we didn't partake in all that, only pizza and breadsticks.
Dinner: Cooper Irish Pub
ALR - Citrus Shrimp and risotto with a salad
MJR - Corned beef
ALR: Where do you want our first international trip to be?
MJR: Do you want to try that question again?
ALR: I mean our first trip as a married couple!
MJR: Do you want to try that question again?
ALR: Outside of our honeymoon!
MJR: Ahem!
ALR: Ahhhh, where do you want our next international trip to be!?
Friday, May 29, 2015
Monday, May 25, 2015
How to Blog
Wait, this was meant for me to read, not write. Here’s how
blogging goes for me. I open “my book”, the scheduler/planner which has become
the central nervous system for 520 Cottonwood, it contains it all and more including
my blood pressure readings. After reviewing what we did for the week, I see
what pics I took with my phone. I then decide that we lead an incredibly boring
life that can be summed up by cats, weather, the daily trek to jobs, family,
and more cats.
From there I upload the few measly pictures that I have
taken and try to create something absolutely brilliant from these inspiration
sources. While I’m on to some of you who immediately scroll down to the bottom
of the page and read the conversation snippet that I randomly remembered. Those
are sometimes the only easy thing about the blog post.
The hard things include making our lives sound wild and
exciting and worth reading, heck, I live my life and love my life and when I
realize that a hot dish may be the most exciting thing, I worry about our
audience readership. But the other hard part, appeasing that audience, who if I
don’t write proceed to call and leave me verbal reminders which I take as a
compliment. They want to read about the hotdish, and the latest cat adventure,
like the fact that Matt brought a bird into the house to see which cat would
get it first. And to finalize that story up, it wasn't his top pick that
elicited the appropriate amount of killer instinct. I however elicited enough
disdain that could have morphed into killer instinct. Who in their right mind
brings a bird into the house?
At one time I’d thought I’d get into the foodie blog
mentality and show recipes and pictures of us cooking and our products of
cooking. That was attempted a couple years ago. Fail. I thought I’d do some of
my creative writing and showcase it here. Fail. The only thing that I've
successfully added is the meal of the week and the quotes, which has morphed
into the ALR/MJR weekly conversation. These are chosen at random, mostly when I
can remember them and what I think other people may appreciate. But mostly when
I can remember them.
Most people don’t get a glimpse of who we are…they know us,
but the blog really is an in-depth view of just how we are with my narration to
skew the story a bit. Maybe it will come to be more than a play by play of our
weekly events. It’s been going on a few years and is a labor of love, other
things have changed or been tested, I’m probably not done experimenting. Hopefully
I get the hang of it someday. How else will I live out my dream career and be a travel blogger, any backers?
ALR: What are you doing??
MJR: I am giving the cats something to do!
ALR: The cats don’t need something to do!!!!!!!!!! They are lazy house cats.
MJR: I know I’m awakening the killer instincts of hunting within themselves.
(Voice drops into a growl) You get that bird out of here, they are stinky dirty creatures! AHHHH!
MJR: Sorry, kitties, no more fun.MJR: I am giving the cats something to do!
ALR: The cats don’t need something to do!!!!!!!!!! They are lazy house cats.
MJR: I know I’m awakening the killer instincts of hunting within themselves.
(Voice drops into a growl) You get that bird out of here, they are stinky dirty creatures! AHHHH!
Monday, May 18, 2015
How to start and end a week in the same way...

Randy showed up on our doorstep Sunday night, straight from Michigan, with a table, a desk, and boxes of china. He drove the entire way in one shot and he looked beat! I didn't blame him. We got the table set up right away, just in time for the kitties to check it out. We were concerned about how the china made the trip and we only saw that one plate was broken. Not bad, all things considered.

The weekend didn't go as we had planned due to the weather. We were supposed to brand calves on Saturday but the downpours ruled out that possibility. It drizzled most of Saturday until the skies let loose in the afternoon and didn't seem to stop until the snow started on Sunday. Yes, snow. Not enough to really do anything but remind us that we aren't that far into the spring. It rained so much that the banks rose on the ditch. we lost site of the spout and even caught a muskrat swimming around.

Now we started the week the way, with Randy. He was there on Sunday night to Monday morning AND he ended the week with us too! He joined us for Friday night pizza. He had come down for branding, but because of the weather, ended up installing cameras instead. Not what we had in mind, but we kept him busy.
Best meal: Matt picked up tuna steaks and seared them since we couldn't grill. We also had green beans and mashed potatoes to go along.
MJR gets out of chair, Nike drops into it.
MJR decides not to reclaim her chair, sits on couch beside ALR.
ALR: Nike
Nike turns to stare at ALR
ALR: Grandpa is coming tomorrow.
Nike immediately looks at MJR, as if needing validation of sentence.
MJR: Yes, it's right, Grandpa is coming tomorrow.
Nike stares at Matt in complete disbelief.
Monday, May 11, 2015
How to make it a Mother's weekend....
If I was questioning spring before, I’m not anymore. It’s
been raining pretty well the past week, especially on Mother’s Day, which was
needed badly. This has been pushing the budding but with the rain has come cold…even
freezing. We’ve been hauling plants in and out again and even turned on the
Friday night’s weather wasn’t too bad, we went to the Band
Day Parade with a couple of friends and finished the night with long
discussions over ice cream. Saturday was
the start of our Mother’s Days. We headed up to Lansford to spend time with
Matt’s mom and grandma. Was good to see them, catch up on their trip to
Pennsylvania, where we’ll head next month. On Sunday, we went out and made
breakfast for my mother. I had gotten her family photos that were updated with
frames and pictures, so we spent a bit of time discussing the family as we went
through them.
Sunday afternoon was spent staying warm in the house while we
hung pictures up on the wall. Finally feels like we might actually live there!
AND they are wedding pictures too, only took a year and a half of being
married. We had some debate about which ones and more will go up, but we are
pretty happy with what we chose.
Best meal: Michele made a homemade borscht that was pretty
great, really put ours to shame. Matt kept talking about it on the way home.
ALR Doing something in Michele’s living room, Grandma Lee wakes
Lee: inaudible words
ALR: Lee, can I help you with something.
Lee: Inaudible words except, yes
Lee begins to pull blankets back to get up.
ALR: Michele, We are on the move!
As Michele shows up, Lee to ALR: You can go play now.
Little later.
ALR: So I’m thinking pigtails may have thrown her off!
Lee: inaudible words
ALR: Lee, can I help you with something.
Lee: Inaudible words except, yes
Lee begins to pull blankets back to get up.
ALR: Michele, We are on the move!
As Michele shows up, Lee to ALR: You can go play now.
Little later.
ALR: So I’m thinking pigtails may have thrown her off!
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
How to drink a Mint Julip...
comes…I start searching. Searching, scanning, watching for
buds on trees. Trees can’t lie, they know when it’s safe to assume it’s spring.
I’ve been scanning for over a month and some trees have really taken off but
the one outside my bedroom gets a quick scan every morning, hunting for the
little leaves.
The best surprise happened this past weekend when I woke up
and looked out over the buds and there they were….flowers. All over. It was
beautiful. Just gorgeous. I love a flowering tree but when I see those blooms
completely cover the tree, it’s a sure sign of spring. We’d kicked around the
idea of cutting a tree down for more yard, but when I saw those blooms, there
was no way I’d even talk about it anymore.

Other things have been happening in the yard. Matt has
really spent a good amount of time. Whether it is transplanting sod, building
garden beds for us, mowing, looking at sprinklers, or whatever…he’s enjoying
the yard like he was never able to in Dickinson. Makes me happy, despite having
to stand and look at sprinkler heads in every store in town.
We’ve had a few guests over recently, mostly for meals and
drinks, but it’s been fun. Matt has really perfected his pizza, which goes over
well with the groups. I don’t complain, especially because we have it the next
day for lunch too!
This past weekend, we celebrated the Kentucky Derby. We had
to hold off celebrations a bit because Matt volunteered to pick rocks to help
my parents, which helped with seeding. I spent time with Mom and cleaned house
a bit. We fast forwarded through many parts, but I did much better in my
pickings this year, I chose the second place horse. We also enjoyed a twist on
the mint julep from last year. I made a basil simple syrup that we added to the
fun. They turned out soon good, but I think the credit goes to my cute
We want to start getting some seeds in the ground soon and
we are excited about the garden this year.
Best meal: Matt made a brisket and I made mashed sweet
potatoes, I was super impressed with that!
After putting the last bit of dirt in the raised garden bed that he built.
MJR: I bet the cats think they are coming outside.
ALR: Why would they think that?
MJR: Because they think I made them each their own huge litter box.
MJR: I bet the cats think they are coming outside.
ALR: Why would they think that?
MJR: Because they think I made them each their own huge litter box.
ALR: They don't think that! Pshaw.
MJR: (Imitating TonyDanza) This one is all for me and it will never be dirty because it's so huge!
TonyDanza sits at patio door staring. Difficult to read whether this is true or he thinks it's absurd.
MJR: (Imitating TonyDanza) This one is all for me and it will never be dirty because it's so huge!
TonyDanza sits at patio door staring. Difficult to read whether this is true or he thinks it's absurd.
Dear Grandma and Grandpa -
I thought you loved me! All I wanted to do was go outside. So I cried at the window, thinking I could convince them using my oratory skills. Matt decided to bring me outside but insisted I wear that ridiculous harness thing. I decided to protest and fight the system and when you saw the video where I decided I wasn't standing for it, all you did was laugh!
Heartbroken -
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