A conversation from the previous night while laying in bed.
MJR: So what's the plan tomorrow?
ALR: We go out, dive, come back, and do whatever we want.
MJR: How do we shower the salt water off us?
ALR: Maybe the boat shop will have something or the hotel will bend the rules for us.
MJR: You have no clue do you?
ALR: Absolutely none.
MJR: Do you think this is going to work?
ALR: I have no clue.
MJR: This is going to be good.
ALR: We go out, dive, come back, and do whatever we want.
MJR: How do we shower the salt water off us?
ALR: Maybe the boat shop will have something or the hotel will bend the rules for us.
MJR: You have no clue do you?
ALR: Absolutely none.
MJR: Do you think this is going to work?
ALR: I have no clue.
MJR: This is going to be good.
Our third day was the only day that we had started with a plan. Last month, after some research, I set up a snorkel/scuba tour with Sea Dwellers. We could come and go as we pleased all the way up to Monday morning. I thought I could snorkel on top while Matt went below the water, best of both worlds situation. Great in theory, mediocre in execution.
They took us out to two locations, Snapper's Ridge and The Pillars. Snapper's Ridge was described as a wall of fish and based off the small window I saw, I believe it. I was the only snorkeler on the trip and after being warned it was choppy, it didn't take much to believe. I got out for a little bit and saw a few things like the massive schools that hovered around the bottom of the boat. I kept getting waves crashing into my tube and after a half an hour, I crawled back into the boat. I was glad I wasn't the only one that struggled a bit with the waves and water. The second dive was a great dive for Matt which made me happy. He even brought me back a present from the dive. On the bottom of the ocean was a pink ear tag with a weight connected to it. It was half covered in sea barnacles. Made me smile as I know he's not known for his romantic gestures, but this was more proof that we do get each other.
After coming back, we found out that we'd been officially checked out of our rooms. I decided to make a plea/ploy to the hotel and they were gracious enough to offer us keys to use the public shower in the pool area. Beggars can't be choosers and it worked out WAY better than I had planned.
Lunch was at the Islamorada Shrimp Shack. I had shrimp and grits, which came highly recommended by the server. Matt had the fish tacos. We also had a bowl of the she-crap soup. It's called that because they use the female crabs for soup because they are smaller than the males, which are main course meals.
Matt had also had a plan for us that day, Robbie's Marina: to feed the tarpons. A tarpon is a large fish, like a northern on crack minus the teeth. They could have been 4 or 5 feet long and I bet many of them topped the scales at 100 pounds. After alerting the parents (and Matt's office) that we were there, so they could watch the web feed, we headed down the dock to watch them.
ALR: How do you do this?
Lady on Dock: You lay down on the dock, you reach out with the fish, you put the fish in the water, wiggle it until one of them starts coming after the wiggling fish and then you let go.
Lady on Dock: You lay down on the dock, you reach out with the fish, you put the fish in the water, wiggle it until one of them starts coming after the wiggling fish and then you let go.
ALR: Let me get this straight....you lay down. on the dock?
Lady on Dock (in all seriousness) yes.
So after Matt got the once over from a pelican who took his first fish, as well as his finger tip, he laid down on the dock, put the bait in the water, wiggled it, and waited for the lunge. TALK about an adrenaline rush! I got one before I even tried it. What a great little tourism spot. Robbie, the owner was there and even showed us just how save these giants were!
After feeding the tarpon, we started heading toward off the island. But not before taking in a few more spots, like the Sugar Shack, which is right outside an art spot, where there was a HUGE Caribbean lobster begging to have its picture taken. We took a wander around and also enjoyed a piece of key lime pie. Honestly, could have been the top piece for me on this trip.As we headed out of Key Largo (with the top down), We enjoyed the last few minutes of island reality. After one more stop at Robert's fruit stand, where we bought green beans, kumquats, and an ugly fruit, which became a midday snack.
MJR: (After eating kumquat) Well that's not what I was expecting.
ALR: Blech, it's like a pine tree combined with a grape and a orange peel and a lemon.
ALR: Why do I let you make food choices for us.
ALR: Maybe I got a bad bite.
ALR: Nope, this one is worse, it has seeds.
MJR: Hmmm. I didn't think they were too bad.
ALR: Eat another one then, punishment for saying stupid stuff.
It was another full day. When we fell into bed at Beachcomber's that night, I know we both slept like rocks.