
Monday, January 11, 2021

The two meat dresses and the sugar donuts

 First full week in. It's been a busy week. Session is on so I'm reading and working more moving parts - nothing too strenuous yet but trying to find my place in the world. 

Matt had a big week as he had butchering. He's been preparing for-e-ver. He has watched approximately 728 butchering videos. This week is a bull - next week is pigs. He gets goofy about this stuff. We have to watch the videos, sharpen the knives, examine the spices, discuss the options, get mad when I don't agree with all the options, get irritated when I put kinks in the plans, and then fully examine the Tetris of the freezer situations. We determined that E is getting old enough to participate. There are a lot of moving parts for butchering but it's better to start slow than bring all three out and drown. Matt said she didn't do too bad. She was excited to be part of the fun and talked about it the night before quite a bit. I'm not sure if she understood the pieces but I was glad that she got to share in something that is important to her dad. She even had a matching meat dress to go with her Dad. 

Grady and Ainsey had to stay home with Mom. G had a harder time with it. He was a bit bummed but seemed to handle it better when I told him that I got donuts just for us... not for Dad and E, just him and I and Ainsey. I got the worst sugary ones I could find in the store. He was elated. I tried to also do fun things that we don't normally do - we built a fort with couch cushions, we raced cars in the kitchen, and we took a late nap. The fort may have been the day's highlight. 

There were a few times when the two of them would play - either alone or separately. I've also noticed this with the three as a whole. One will go off and play and the other two will play parallel or together and it's moments of bliss. You can hear them pretending and working together and you aren't having to keep anyone alive or entertain and it's nice. They are happening more and more. The worst is when they are interrupted by a wrestle mania moment and you want to box their ears but I guess it's a part of life. The amount of dress up that they play makes me smile - G loves the firefighter but it's starting to get a little small so he swaps out superheros and E typically goes for Frozen!

EER in the tub: Mom, take my picture, I have a beard like Grandpa!

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