
Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Photos, Accomplisments, Interests and all things kids

New development - E has really taken to taking pictures with our phones - any chance she gets. She then wants us to look at her cinematography and she's a firm believer in more is more and to truely capture the essence of her subject you must snap 15 pictures. She seems to get into Matt's phone more than mine and when they sync up I love to see 21 pictures in the series entitled "stuffed animal on den floor amongst mess." She did get a pretty good one of her sister and the top of her own head.  

Ainsy's development is that she's really taken to expressing herself. If she wants to likes something, she will now gesture and point until she gets item that makes her happy. 

With the nicer weather, we got out Ainsey's car that she got when she was one. This was a hand-me down from her cousin Payton but fit in line with the belief in our house that every one year old deserves their own car. As the backyard continues to defrost and warm up, they've been enjoying the front yard - side walk chalk, bikes - E hasn't missed a skip in her gliding on her bike. It's nice to get a break in the weather.
When we can't go inside, those people have been making forts. There doesn't appear to be a sound design strategy in place - lack of basic engineering principles but the idea is the more blankets piled up on things the better the fort. Eleanor has much more finesse with the fort than Grady. This past weekend, we watched all of them build the fort for 25 minutes and in approximately 15 seconds, G went to go into fort and demolished the entire thing as a blanket got hooked on his shoulder and he kept barreling through. I was impressed with the entirety of his demolition as well as how Eleanor did not explode like a volcano like I was expecting. 
Each kid has been showing some independence lately too. Ains is going downstairs on her own - which makes us a little relieved. She will plant herself down and then butt scoot to the edge and use the drop and scoot method to get down. G is all about the kitchen. He likes setting the table and making things OR he'll head down to his little workbench and just utilize the hammer. E is interested in writing and identifying letters - she's pretty much 100% on the identification and the writing is starting to come along. She has an interest in coloring and pictures and drawing. Our first love is still probably cutting and gluing - also more is more follows in this concept too. 
Another pic of E's: I love the juxtaposition of this one and the combination of mixed media. 

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