
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Inside, outside, inside, outside

So, the cat is not impressed with my being home. We've had some discussions. It's really only been a couple of weeks. We are still working to get the feel for each other being around all. the. time. but it's a working relationship at its finest. She plays a great game of inside, outside, no really inside, but I want to go outside. It's irritating and because my "office" is positioned nicely at our kitchen table, with my screens propped up by a Fancy Nancy and a Cars book it seems all very fitting that nothing is really flowing that well together. This week marks an important week. I've somewhat given up on respectable clothing/tops. After week one I surrendered to leggings in entirety but this week it's really about t-shirts, sweatshirts, totally casual tops and very little make-up - only eyeliner... I don't really even wear eye shadow like I used to and if I wear mascara I think, ugh I'm going to have to work a bit harder to remove it later tonight when I swap into pajamas.   
We've been going on walks lately to get out and move a bit. We are all going a bit stir crazy but the
promise of spring coming is all desperately on our minds. We even had freezies on the steps the other night. Ains was interested for sure. G is the slow-est cold treat eater EVER. 

We are in the weater space where it's nice, it's cold, it's nice, it's snows, the sun comes out and there's a promise of the weather to come. I put a couple boards outside and gave the kids some markers and they went to town. They had a blast. E is very much into teacher mode. She will draw something up and then lecture to us about what it is and double check if we are paying attention. She's really taken the role of bossy first-born seriously. What's alarming us.. and we don't know where she got it from is her continual use of helter-skelter. Many of her "lesson plans" seem to focus on the education of this concept. YIKES!

Early morning
MJR while brushing her teeth: We need to get rid of all the balloons that are floating around the house.
ALR: huh? 
MJR: We have balloons from your grandma's birthday as well as Ainsley's birthday floating around the house. 
ALR: okay right.
MJR: well last night I woke up in the middle of the night and one was floating above us.
ALR: Okay, I'm sure the air movement around the house just brought it to our room.
MJR: the string was tickling my face, I thought I was being attacked. 

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