
Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Valentine's, Organization, Outings, Tiny Shrimp

It's fun to see how the kids are getting interested and involved with the holidays. Valentine's Day by far seems to have had the most hype - I think because they are starting to understand holidays and waiting and the build up meant something to them. They decorated their boxes, made their valentines, and talked about how daycare decorated. Eleanor has been counting down sleeps and has been looking at outfits and thinking and talking about sharing her valentines with her friends. They both were so excited to bring their Valentine's Day Boxes with items home to go through them. It made me smile to watch them.
 The weekend was busy. We did stuff around the house, including some work in the kids' rooms to give them a little more piece in this world. They each have their own bed, their own nightstand, and now their own toybox in their room. I also worked on my 30-day challenge - I want to fill 30 bags of trash in the attempt to declutter the house a bit.
We took a few trips out and about too - one to the zoo to burn off some energy and one to the sports show. The kids thought the boats were okay but liked the dock dog competition and the kettle corn samples with the face painting.

We had some great meals too - Matt made a seafood chowder that was amazing. While Eleanor was not impressed with the lack of knoephlas, Grady was pumped. He liked finding all the different seafood pieces and all the different veggies - he had two full bowls. We also had our annual Valentine's Day meal, sans kids - but it was nice to do something just us.
E started a new round of swimming lessons - a Christmas gift. She was nervous and not as excited as last time for her first lesson. I'm hoping the next session has her come out of her shell a bit.

ALR filing a bag of garbage. GRR "helping"
ALR opens cupboard - sees large light bulb for outside of house.
ALR: Grady, let's go put this in the garage for Dad to put outside.
GRR: Okay
GRR runs off.
GRR comes back with shoes, coat, and hat on. GRR grabs bulb off freezer. Bulb drops to floor.
GRR: uh-oh
GRR picks up bulb and sounds come from bulb giving evidence it won't light any longer.
ALR opens garbage bag for bulb to go inside. 

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