
Sunday, August 26, 2018

Watermelon, Parties, and Presents

Grady had a full week this week.
Hair cut last week, 1 year old pictures this week at the Heritage Center, birthday supper with just the four of us at McDonald's...and then his party. For a guy that doesn't control his own date book - that's a lot to keep track of.

We took his pics on Monday night - his have been relatively pain free (a couple of E's were solid work) but Grady is pretty easy going, for the most part - quick to smile, and hasn't been too worried about being on the go. This shoot was a lot of sitting but the boy did concentrate on taking some steps. We tried to get some of the two of them... but I've had cavities that were easier to fill. I know someday they may take pics together well - just not anytime soon.

Birthday night for us was a pretty big deal - we went to McDonald's... Grady has always eaten really well there.. loves the burgers, the nuggets, the sausage... he likes it all. He did well again. E mostly used the fries to transport the ketchup to her mouth but I guess you can't win them all. After supper we went over to the Firefighter park where it's themed with trucks and fire fighting equipment. Both loved it - especially the rope
merry-go-round. We closed out the night with a little treat at Cold Stone Creamery - unfun fact, they do nothing for birthdays, no matter the age. So we tried to do something special for his first. E was in heaven as she sampled from both varieties that we got.
The morning of his birthday was the start of a tradition with his Dad. Matt always buys flowers for Eleanor and he wanted to do something different for Grady that he would appreciate. So they went out to breakfast. G got a waffle and a sausage patty. Matt said he did pretty well eating it and was on his best behavior. When they got back, we gave him our first gift which were little go vehicles- a truck, a car, a plane, and a helicopter.

The afternoon was his party. I themed it watermelon... afterall he's a summer baby, how could I resist. We had a full house! Along with the regulars of my parents, Matt's parents, our siblings and significant others, we had my grandparents,

Shantelle and family, Wade & Lynn, Kate and family, Grace, and Kyle and Angie. Grady did so well - smiles and all. We opened presents, had snacks, and then dove into the cake. I made both of this cakes - I was actually very
happy with how my decorating turned out. His cake was a banana based cake with yogurt and a blueberry center. He was pretty calm in getting into it... the one finger poke but then dove in and really demolished it down. Made me smile to see him enjoying himself. My Grandma Elaine wasn't so wild about the mess - obviously she's not a fan of the smash cake, but I thought it turned out pretty well!

We gave him his present of his own truck for the yard. Other gifts he got included a toy box, a ball pit, a personalized stool, a tonka truck, books, clothes, puzzles, farm set, flash light, plate set, and more! The evening was pretty calm - we finished with playing in the yard and a bit of supper. It was a beautiful day!

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