
Thursday, February 2, 2017

The one with the birthday supper and the baby gates

January is also a misleader to me. I'm busy but I can't tell you doing what... maybe just staying warm! We've actually had a temperature break with a little bit of needed melting occurring. We can actually see the driveway under the compacted snow now.

To catch up on two weekends, let's start with heading out to the farm to celebrate Grandma's birthday with the family. Mom put together a roast beef dinner and I supplied cake/dessert afterwards with personalized cheesecakes. Eleanor provided the dinner entertainment to the group by chowing on green beans, roast beef, and toast. She also provided a meal to the dog who enjoyed her scraps!

Some other things we've gotten done the past two weekends include cleaning the house, shampooing the carpet, and playing around. Matt and Eleanor got another baby gate up... with all the lock systems around the house we look like the Panama canal. But we need them because someone is so busy. I looked over at one point and she had decided it was time for her to go upstairs and had made it up 3 stairs before I got over to her.

We headed back out the farm this past weekend but they were very busy outside, instead Eleanor stole some of Grandma's blueberries and cheese and we had a snack while Matt worked on cameras.

We also surrendered Sam to the rescue this past weekend. It was a big decision for us to make but we weren't ready for a dog, especially a dog that required so much one-on-one training. We'd rather have him with a family that is looking for a companion and is good to play and be there for him. Someday in the distant future we may look at a puppy to train for hunting but we are in no hurry.

We had some company on Sunday. BettyJo and her finance, Wes, came for breakfast brunch. Was nice to catch up with her and her about Scentsy happenings and personal items.

Matt has been busy with legislative session this go around. I've been busy being irritated with them. I don't appreciate their rudeness (especially the house) and think they could handle being brought into the current century. He's been there to represent AAND and has been enjoying the "game" of it all and the planning. I told him I'm ready for session to be over. His response was that we haven't even been in it for a month yet. Other news on the workfront is that I had a take-your-mother-to-work event OR maybe it was the other way around. I attended the Energy Generation Conference to compare how they work the Event Center - which is where we too had our conference. I was more out of my element but she was familiar and has been a regular on a yearly basis.

In the meantime... the house just has to get healthy... we have all been sick lately. Matt said he was fine until Eleanor and I kissed him/licked his eyeball.

Best meal: tough one... food has been a blur lately. Matt did make me salmon this past weekend... and it continues to be a favorite.

Saturday morning.
ALR: What time did you come to bed last night?
MJR: 10:30 - when you shut the lights out on me.
ALR begins laughing: I put the lamp on a timer... it turns on at 7:00 and automatically turns off at 10:30.
MJR: oh.
ALR: So what did you think when it turned off?
MJR: Well, I said outloud: What does it matter if I come to bed late?
MJR: And then I was mad at you.
MJR: And then I said, Well maybe you wanted something.
ALR: And what did you think when you came upstairs and I was unconscious.
MJR: I was confused.
ALR: And now?
MJR: Now I get it.

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