
Monday, July 21, 2014

Concrete and Commerce

Another week of summer flying by. I love summer: the hot, the sun, the temps, the feeling of a tan in progress, the haybales in the fields, the late nights….and now the anticipation of more camping. We are prepping and ready for 3 weeks in a row of straight up camping, Tschida, Beulah Bay, and Pick City. We are excited to be with friends and forget that our condo is not selling. Forget that no matter how much we love the layout, no one has seen the potential or has fought for it like us. No matter what’s blooming and growing, it’s just not a big enough tipping point. And we are doing what I said I’d never do…we are having an open house. Not one but two. Oh well, desperate times calls for desperate measures. Meanwhile, we keep hauling things back from Dickinson and playing tetris with them in our storage unit. We have a view big pieces that will create controversy but also ensure that all items are officially unreachable. We figure by October, all items will be out of our condo on the hill.

Aside from taking a quick trip to Dickinson, we also worked on the garage, which is coming along at a crawl now. It does have an apron now, complete with concrete. Here’s to strong men that don’t mind getting a bit muddy.
But the big news of the week happened this morning. People have been thinking of us and asking how the change is going. I know that people had their doubts and the questions have continued to come up regarding if Matt is okay with this move, changing management roles and changing airports. So when the questions come about the relocation, I understand that they are concerned about transitions that he’s going through. No worries to me…but who is the big show this week? Me! I’ve officially been with Commerce for 7 weeks and this morning I was promoted to Talent and Project Coordinator of my division! I’m excited about the opportunity and curious what it will bring forward in my future!

Best Meal: We took in Oahe, a Japanese/Hawaiian place on the North side.We enjoyed sushi, kani salad, white fish, and pad Thai. While Matt was hoping it would be Hawaiian than sushi, we were still pretty happy with the outcome!
ALR telling story of person who was sharing situationally sad information.
ALR: "And when she was finished, I said, well at least you have your own house."
MJR: "You know that cannot continue to be your end-all to someone else."
ALR: "Hmmm...I don't care."
MJR: Sigh
ALR & MJR sitting in bed. ALR reading.
MJR holding a bottle of water.
Cracks the seal and begins to drink.
Drink turns into a guzzle.
ALR reaches up from the kindle with one finger and lightly grazes his stomach.
MJR pauses guzzle. Stops drinking.
MJR: "You wrecked it for me"
ALR smiles.
MJR: "Was the perfect temp, I had the breathing down, I was going to get it down in one go."
ALR: "But you didn't"
ALR snickers and goes back to reading kindle.

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