
Monday, January 31, 2011

Why Does Winter Contain the Word "Win"?

Dear Mother Nature…WHY must you hate me with such ferocity? WHY must you continue to suck and send droves of snow? Why do you tease with the option of melting and sunshine only to change your mind and dump a TON of snow on to the freshly melted ground. I couldn’t snow blow very well because the snow would fall back into the path I had just made, it felt like I was not making progress. It’s going to be a long winter.

This week was birthday weeks for special people in my life. Mel joined me at age 27 and Sheri just stayed old. We didn’t do anything special but will be post-partying to prolong the celebration.

I also spent some time at home with mom who recovered from a proactive surgery. I tried to take as good of care of her as she gave me when I was little and even though I threatened to slam her head in the car door, I refrained from such actions. We did learn something valuable; I suck at building a fire.

On Friday, I was picked up and carted back to Minot. Scott, an old friend (we’ve known each other for a long time and he’s older than me!) decided we should spend time together so I stayed until Sunday. We will be spending more time in the future together, he decided and I agreed! He took me to the wine bar, which didn’t exist when I was in Minot. It was a nice little place, very low key. We also made a stop at the “O” where I once dealt blackjack-it hasn’t changed much.

This week, I’m playing catch-up but my morning started out nice because of the flowers that are sitting on my desk. It’s a gentle reminder that winter cannot last forever. Right?

"If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?"-Percy Bysshe Shelley

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