
Monday, September 21, 2009

Amanda said Yes when Daniel Asked!

I've been working on this post for about two got the better of me, but I wanted to post our story!

This past weekend is one we will remember for the rest of our lives. Daniel and I are engaged! It was a complete surprise…I did not expect it at all.

We started the day off by stopping at Sears to try on fall coats, and I thought I left my phone sitting on a pile of gloves and had kissed it goodbye in my mind! We had gone to Olive Garden to have soup, salad, and breadsticks with Ashley and Jesse—well in the middle of the wonderful food; I left my phone SOMEWHERE….but I didn’t even think it would be at the restaurant. Daniel was so mad at me and told me that I was cutting his time with his mother short and he didn’t like to keep postponing. Well I became mad because he was abandoning me in my “hour of NEED” but come to find out he was scared to death that he wasn’t going to make it to the bank before it closed!

We talked later that day, after I had to buy a new phone and he apologized. I forgave him and told him that I’d meet him for supper with Nancy and Larry. When I showed up we had a steaks and wine. He polished off the end of a bottle and decided to have another bottle. We decided to sit on the patio and he was going to open the second bottle and bring glasses out. Little did I know, he was putting the ring on my drink charm of my glass. He brought out the wine for Nancy and Larry. Nancy took a drink and informed me that it “was kinda bitter and not as good as the last one”. When Dan came out he set my glass down, well I didn’t want the bitter wine so I took his glass, completely oblivious to the ring. He looked at me like I kicked his dog and I didn’t understand why! He picked up my phone to look at it…and played with it for awhile…and set it down in front of me. I picked it up to see what he changed the banner to and saw….”Will you marry me?” As I looked at this and asked him if he was serious, he put my old glass back in front of me, with the ring on the charm! I couldn’t believe it!! Just goes to prove, I can’t make anything easy for him! :)

We were able to tell my parents right away. We met Mom and Dad for drinks afterward and Dan helped me break the news-I’ve never had to start that conversation and needed the help! I was also glad it worked out to tell them right away.

Since the engagement, we’ve picked a date…OCTOBER 2, 2010. We’ve picked the church, Calvary United Methodist (on 34th and Rosser in Bismarck) and we’ve picked our hall-Mandan Eagles Club. The tricky decisions are mostly done…now the detail work!

1 comment:

  1. I'm really happy for you two and Dad and I were glad to be a part of your evening!
