
Saturday, June 24, 2023

Trying, golf, baseball, fathers day

 I feel like that old lady from the Titanic movie... [crackly, crachtey voice] It's been 84 years.... since I've written a blog post. I could make a lot of excuses here... no one prepared me for 3 children, I've been working my tail off... but I've been tired and when I get 20 minutes or an hour to myself I want to play mindless games on my phone, look at the facepage, and scroll through potential ideas to torment Matt on Pinterest. 

This is my pledge moving forward, I will try to not be so lazy in documenting the memories (good and bad) that are unfolding throughout our days. 

So let's take this one bite at a time... here's how this past week has rolled out. Matt is coming off from a week where he got to golf 3 times. And he didn't skimp either... aviation teams, business contacts, and me. Between you, me, and the rest of the internet - I'm hoping he didn't pout after a his idea of a "substandard" drive with them like he did me. But then again, I have a feeling none of them would have told him to shove it like I did. He also spent a TON of time on the course this week too as Eleanor had her week of lessons. It rained most nights but she got out there and Matt was impressed with her work.

G had his first baseball games. Last year it was helter skelter full on chaos -- balls flying, kids running, all in the same direction but none of it correct. This year there's a bit more understanding. I'm not saying we are headed to the playoffs but there is less globbing of players. 

Ains is mad - what's new - that she doesn't have an activity to be carted to. She's also mad when we don't cook things she likes at night, when she doesn't get to stay outside longer, when she has to wake up, when she has to take a bath, when she has to get out of the bath, and when she has to wake up... yes I said that twice, I stand by that.

Last Sunday does deserve it's own special call out. Father's Day. The rule is for these days that the honoree gets to sleep in and the collaborating parent prepares meals and also coordinates the gift exchange. Shopping with these kids is excruciating. While not all of these kids... Eleanor. She has decision fatigue... she will wander hours on end through a store, carrying objects and pontificating on other ideas weighing the pros and cons. The other two usually have an idea and when they find something there is conviction. Before heading into the store, I asked about what they wanted to get. Ains wanted to get golf balls, G wanted a tie. Both marched right up in the specified sections with ideas of what they wanted, grabbed their item and there was no swaying from it. Eleanor was mystified by a golf ball melted into a glass and I was just happy the shopping trip had come to an end.

What made my throat catch was the morning of. I came downstairs and Ains was still sleeping. The other two said they were waiting for her and when she woke up they'd work on a final card - which they did. Upon hearing him stir, they organized a greeting line and Eleanor worked to rehearse a "Happy Father's Day" song. Now, the catch is weekend mornings are the only time they get to watch TV, with very little intervention from us. They love weekend mornings. They decided to do all these things versus watch TV. This was an actions speak louder than words moment. 

E at Golfing.
E: First I'm going to hit the ball to the green flag (50yards), then the red (100 yards), then the white (150 yards) and then the black (300 yards).
MJR: The black is really far, but I'm proud of you for having goals. Let's focus on the green first.
E: I want to be a professional golfer.

G in the bathtub
G: What sound does a whale make [attempts to produce whale sounds]
ALR: Hmm, Let's ask Google: OK Google, what sound does a whale make?
Google: A whale sounds like this...[whale noises]
G: I was super close.

Driving in the car
G to Ains: You are being mean to me.
Ains: No I'm not
G: You are.
Ains: I'm not.
G: Yes, You are.
Ains: I'm not and if you don't shut your mouth I'm going to kick you in the face.

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