
Monday, April 29, 2019

Updates, 2mo, Lowkey

Update on the kids... as we've been so preoccupied with survival that I hate to miss out on these little nuances that make them them lately.

When he hands you something he says "go"... mimicking "here you go" that we say to him.
Everything is No. He knows what it is and is sassy about it.
He gives hugs and kisses the best in the house at night... real heart and soul in them.
He still likes to wave and say Hi to Ainsley.
He lets E hold his "hand" which is actually his wrist.
He insists on sleeping with his water glass snuggled up to him at night. After we tuck them in, E gets out of bed, hands it to him and he tucks it under his arm, like his Alex.
He is not interested in learning how to put on or take off his shoes right now. Matt is tired of this.
When he is ready to walk away, he will look at you, throw up an arm and say "BYE". Sometimes it's 1 time, sometimes it's 5. It's cute no matter how many times it's said.
The other one that's been melting my heart is "night-night" when he goes to bed... he says it without the t's.

She's practically fullblown threenager and it's EEEEXXXHausting. She will tantrum because she doesn't have a braid in her hair OR because we didn't use the right pony tail holders OR because Grady touched her socks.
She's so chatty. She asks questions, notices her surroundings, and talks nonstop. We are surprised by the words she's using and often how she is using them. She's also applying logic - which is great, but really can be a pain in the butt too.
She's bossy - Those other two don't stand a chance. Reminds G to say please. Gets disappointed in Ainsley that she didn't tell us that she had to use the potty.
She's is very interested in noises right now - motorcycles, cars, the dishwasher... she pays attention to it all.
She's still a hoarder. She now gets bags and puts her things in them to make the hoarding more easier.
She can identify many letters - easily more than half the alphabet, especially if you connect it with something (Grady, Ainsley, Fin, Umbrella, Submarine, Jellyfish, etc)
Every night, I take an entire library of books out of bed, so she doesn't sleep with them.

She's smiling a bit now, especially in the morning.
She's starting to coo and chat.
She thinks it's fun to take morning naps in our bed and then when she wakes up in the best mood.
She's really become alert over the past week, watching her siblings as they loom around her.
She is a horrible daytime napper and often refuses unless she is being held. BUT we do get quite a few hours in at night, so I'm sure that's a give and take there. I'm waking up in order to keep ahead of her, but she's gone through the whole night twice now - making it really easy on her dad.

The week was pretty standard - the weather was up and then down over the weekend, even resulting in snow. We had a few days that we could do some playing outside. We had our first picnic of the year on Friday - something we hope to continue throughout the summer. We went to the capitol and ate on the mall lawn. Past the Sammy's Club run and a run-in with a stomach bug for the kids... we stayed in and hung out.

During mealtime chaos
Milk has been split.
Silverware has been dropped umpteen times.
Food has been declared yucky in various manners - verbal and via sound.
Food has been squashed and not eaten.
There has been many negotiations and bartering.
Dessert has been threatened.
ALR: I'm exhausted. They are really taking it out of me. I think I'm losing my will.
MJR: This tomato looks like an apple.
ALR stares.
MJR: That is where my mindset is now, mush.
ALR looks down at her food and thinks that she has a tomato that looks like a pear. 

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