
Tuesday, December 25, 2018

2018 Holiday Card

2018 will be one of those years with the hard and fast swings!
At the beginning of the year, we started with a toddler and an infant and now have two bumbling toddlers that run the house with a baby on the way. Our new house motto is, The Remynse House: where someone is always crying.

Here's a rundown:

Grady - this boy walks, eats, and laughs. He's pretty laid back and he's so used to his sister. He likes to take his shoes and socks off and he loves to eat, I know I mentioned that already but let's call it what it is. He's starting to get interested in books and will drag his bedtime books out and turn the pages and his other favorite toys include the broom, the pieces to the shape sorter, and random kitchen items.
Eleanor - the sass is strong with that one. She's strong willed and fierce and if she'd use her powers for good, she will change the world. She loves hard and strong and has a passion. She's got some hoarder tendencies - she likes to have all her books, or all her animals with her and every morning she drags her pillow, her 2 blankets, as many animals as she can round up, some books, and occasionally her sheets to our bedroom. She likes animals, gardening, and rough housing... her favorite toys are coloring (with stickers),  reading, and making dinner in her kitchen. AND oy is she chatty.

Matt - he's had a full year taking care of the rest of us. He golfed more this year than in the past. He's hunted this year more than the past. He had some big projects at working including the runway project, the PD training, and his first ever perfect certification. He's been busy with some industry research and even made a trip to Cleveland for work.

Amanda - It's been a tough year for me. The highs have been high - like the trip to England, watching the kids grow, planning their birthday parties, seeing both kids grow and change, and getting pregnant with this last baby. But the lows have really taken the wind out of my sails - situations at work and the biggest heartache has been Janice's death. All in all, my family continues to be the bright spot and keeps me going. I feel like I'm in the experience and memory business - whether it's trips to the zoo/Applefest/Papa's Pumpkin Patch/Super slide or everyday fun like raking leaves or baking cookies or making pancakes - I want them to experience life. Smell the world around em and soak it in.

It's been a busy year, one that has taken us somewhere completely different than we would have guessed from last year.

To those that read this... may this holiday season be filled with laughter and light of those that you love. Hold hands, use the china, eat the chocolate, kiss, take the picture, just cherish those that mean something to you - it doesn't matter who they are or where they are as long as they mean something to you.

Love, The Remynses.

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