
Monday, January 15, 2018

Ear Infection, GoodNightGoodNightGoodNight, Rice

Kid updates...
Grady has found his voice! And thinks he's great to hear. I will admit, I think it's pretty great too! HA! He'll shrill and coo and laugh and then blow bubbles and gurgle. He's woke up two mornings in a row just cooing and calling out. That's much better to be woken up to that than cries... He's still waking up about twice a night and both Matt and I would like to see that change but it is what it is. He is still the sweetheart of the office with all the women gushing over him. We did have to go into the doctor this past week as he had an ear infection. But ear infection or not... that doesn't stop all the splashing and kicking in the tub...I think that's his favorite thing most days.

Eleanor. Oh my Eleanor.
We are still working on the potty, we have gone twice in one day but other than that, they are few and far between. I keep telling her we'll get there one day, not sure who I'm trying to convince - her or me. She has been good about saying good bye to her "business" which is fine except when she also tells the toilet good night at night. Her favorite toy of the week has returned back to books - which is fine except Matt and I have wanted to hide some of the books because we've read them so many times. Dang, Goodnight Gorilla. If you also ask her what a rooster says, she'll make you smile with "doo-doo".

Other than that... it's been effing cold lately, -20below and whatnot. We haven't wanted to go anywhere. Work is picking up for both of us as I've been pulled into a couple conference to help with logistics.

Best meal: We had walleye that we pan fried and put a dill cream sauce on it served with steamed veggies and rose water saffron rice. The toddler didn't handle it too badly... she loved the rice, tried to Helen Keller it off our plates.

MJR: Eleanor, take these down to the laundry room.
EER takes 3 articles of clothing down the stairs.
ALR: We are building our staff?
MJR: Yes, it's about time.
ALR: It's like we have our own little Amelia Bedelia... she'll do the work but you aren't sure if it will turn out good.
MJR: I'm concerned that one day this helpful attitude will just disappear.
ALR: Oh, I'm sure it will.
MJR: And her allowance will reflect it.
ALR: I didn't have an allowance.
MJR: I did as I didn't have cows that proceeded to give me profits in the fall for my effort.
ALR: yes, I suppose I grew up in more of a socialist regime. The effort was expected for all for the good of all. 
MJR: you see, mine was more communist ran by a dictatorship where I was paid for skills and my job performance. And my work wasn't always paid by the going rate. Johnny down the street got $2 to take out the trash but that didn't mean that I got that. Maybe 25 cents, maybe a dollar. Meh.

1 comment:

  1. pretty sure that it was Capitalism that you speak - you reaped the rewards of your personal property. Just say'n
