
Sunday, December 31, 2017

The one with the Third Christmas celebration (at the farm)

We celebrated our Christmas at the farm on New Year's Eve's Eve. It was a nice day... we started with presents where we came out so lucky and loved again. It's been a really hard cold snap over the past week so the day didn't start out as planned but with Matt and Dad working on a drinker. However, when we started working on presents because Eleanor's talent this Christmas besides opening presents was handing them out!  She knew where things were going, was excited to be doing it, and no matter how heavy the package was she'd be willing to take it on.

Eleanor cleaned up with some cute clothes, Christmas ornaments, and a few toys including a chattering hamster. Grady slept through most of the opening so he did not show appropriate excitement over his gifts, even the membership to the zoo. Was hard to believe how much the past three years of Christmases have changed when I thought about it.

After gifts, it was Eleanor's turn to sleep and we had an amazing lunch. Seasoned prime rib, king crab, cornbread stuffing, mashed potatoes, and was so good! Was the type of meal you could eat over and over again and never get sick of... plus plum pudding and pumpkin pie for dessert.

Eleanor got to spend the night at the farm and Matt, Grady, and I headed back in. Matt and I had our "State of the Union" brunch the next morning at the Starving Rooster. This is to air our grievances as well as put our best foot forward in planning for 2018 as a couple. We've talked about doing this but with the kids and getting busy in life, we decided to make it a priority.
MJR: It was a good day.
ALR: Yes, it was.. What was your favorite part of the day?
MJR: Probably watching her hand out presents.
ALR laughs: Yes, that was a highlight for sure for me... she's really growing up.

Speaking of growing up... someone turned 4 mos old during the holidays....

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