
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Sprout (spr-out)

While the week wasn't too exciting...the weekend made up for it for sure. We packed it all in!

I started the weekend at Olive Garden with my mother and grandmother. Grandma did something that was pretty monumental... she gave one of her Precious Moments collectibles to baby. It fit so well. Was a little infant sleeping in a bassinet and the bassinet looked like a globe! Was very touching that she wanted to do that. She did say that she had not given away any of her collectibles before so the fact that our little girl was the first recipient was something that was beautiful to me.

From lunch, Matt and I went to another weekly appointment. Last week, we were told that she was measuring a little big - which wasn't a shock to me as I've been carrying her around literally 24/7. Dr Bury set up an ultrasound to check things out. What a difference in ultrasound from the last time we saw her. She takes up the whole screen and is pretty scrunched in there. We did manage to see her little face (cheeks and all) and hands and feet. Everything was looking good and I felt great about what I saw until the ultrasound tech said that they are guestimating her weight to be about 6lbs, 13oz. with a pound for error. The rough estimation of math, with the fact that she's to gain half a pound a week brought a bit of fear into me. I told Matt that I may need a relief pitcher to finish the last of this up! Good thing everything else is looking good and her heartbeat was 156 - but both the doctor and ultrasound tech commented on how wiggly she was to pin down.

Matt and I had a bit of a date time afterward, we went to the Garden Show to take in the booths. We both are excited for spring to come to full bloom with trees budding, garden in, lawn fertilized/aerated, and going through it all made us even more ready. We got some ideas for a few projects we have coming up but we were pretty low-key. From there we had dinner at a Mexican restaurant I've been waiting to take Matt to in Mandan. I had to push him along because I had plans to spend the night with Mom and Alaina. We were going to My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2. Was a cute movie, I'll admit not as good as the first - I think they tried to fit in too many life lessons and thoughts but there were still some parallels to what I see in my own crazy life! Was a good time with my family though - we split popcorn and then even enjoyed ice cream afterwards - was good to talk, relax, and just be!

On Saturday, Matt and I braved the rain, which went on for pretty much 2 days straight and headed
out to an auction sale. We had high hopes and were keeping our eyes on a few items (spearfishing decoys, milk creamer, crock, meat saw, sausage stuffer, meat mixer, and maybe a few guns). After a good soaking and standing on a concrete floor for hours, the sale was cancelled! We were bummed. I thought a lot of it was interesting, until they got to selling the boxes of shells - one box at a time! Ugh! We didn't leave completely empty handed! Matt picked up an assortment box for $10 that he was pretty happy with!

That night we had a date night at the Bobcats game. It was playoff game and it was fun to get out and see the team, it was our first game all year. We even made it into the hospitality room. I did admit to Matt that UND hockey has ruined me. Watching games at the Ralph and the talent that the team has is hard to compare.

ALR: I don't know why they sell those bugle horns.
MJR: Crowd participation.
ALR: I hate them. I'd like to shove them up those little boys' [explicit]
MJR: You are going to make a great mother.
ALR says something but is drowned out by the blast of the bugle horn.

 Sundays are for sleeping in and then eating large breakfasts! It was a beautiful morning. Matt also hung another light... we are getting down there! Only 1 left to replace and that one should be picked up this week! I love how this simple change really has altered the room. The kitchen has really seen a lot of love this year!

With the news in the doctor office, we also decided it was time to take the stroller and the car seat out of the boxes and dig into those a bit. Matt was the diligent father and ensured that we read the manuals - all three of them while we either put them together OR installed them. Sometimes my style frustrates his style as I unknowingly proceeded to jump ahead in the book. Either way, we have the bases in the vehicles now as well the stroller stored.
Best meal of the week: There were a lot of good options this week, especially this weekend...But I think my favorite was Matt making me a skillet...hashbrowns, peppers, onions, eggs, salsa, sausage and a virgin mimosa on the side, which made all the difference in the world. It's the little things!

Name of the week: Nel
Cravings: blizzards (size mini from Dairy Queen), ground beef smileys, milk, and skillets
Pregnancy Symptoms: swelling and water retention, sleeplessness, snoring (still), uncomfortable, and inability to watch videos with baby elephants in them.

While figuring out the baby seat carrier.
MJR: Do you have a doll?
ALR: No.
MJR: You don't have a doll of any sort?
ALR: I'm 32. 
MJR: Well, geeze (stomps out of room). If I was at my parent's house, I'd go get Mrs. Beasley. 
Comes back into room with baby snowsuit.
ALR: I don't think it's going to work.
MJR attempts to position suit into carrier.
MJR: Ahhhh, it's too big.
MJR grabs 0-3 onesie from dresser drawer.

ALR: I don't feel like this is realistic.
MJR: All I need is arms and legs.
ALR watches him tighten straps: Well, Flat Stanley's neck and her neck may not be the same.
MJR glares

ALR: I'm just saying, I think you decapitated our baby.
MJR: Is this your idea of helping?

Half an hour later ALR and MJR put the stroller in the back of the Maz.
ALR: ugh, that takes more room than I expected.
MJR: I want you to drive around like this for a week or two, let's see what it does to your gas mileage.
ALR stares at him.


  1. Those ultrasound weight guestimates are always high. ALWAYS.

    1. I'm counting on you being right. Counting, hoping, praying, acting as if my life depends on it!
