Happy Holidays from the Remynse Family!
I'll admit it's awful weird thinking that just two years and two Christmas cards ago it was just Matt and I and now there's the four of us! We are busy and blessed and each day I marvel at my little family.
Here's a recap of where we are at for the 2017 year...

He's been very busy at work. He's been involved with the runway project and the late nights that come with it, he was involved in the legislative session this past year being the Airport Assoc of ND's president, he did so many trainings I lost track of who and what and how many, and also been a part of the plannings that have been ongoing. He also helped with Trump flying in. He's still loving it at BIS and we've never regretted the move.
Outside of work, he's been working on his hobbies when time permits. He got a few
rounds of golf in this year including a new course at Washburn. He's really worked on his short game this year, in the backyard, with his favorite girl. They'd go out the two of them most nights this summer and chip around... sometimes she'd chip with him, sometimes she'd caddy, and sometimes she didn't care two hoots. In regards to his other past times, he was forced to cut back on his hunting this year but did manage to get out pheasant hunting and goosing; and he spent a lot of time pruning his yard in an attempt to get it where he'd like.
His highlights of the year (outside of the family) were
going to Grand Forks for the regional conference and winning the golfing tournament. He also enjoyed his time home during deer season.

Out spirited redhead (who is becoming a strawberry blond) had a busy year... she went from crawling to cruising to
walking to running. She's beginning to talk and her words like Baby, Apple, Hi, and Moo are very distinct. She's had some changes at daycare this year including a new building and two room changes. She's now in the toddler room, which has been the biggest change. In her old room, she was really a mother hen... putting blankets on the babies, patting backs, and checking diapers. She's as equally "helpful" at home. Matt and I are constantly rechecking the blanket she insists on putting on Grady, so it doesn't cover his face.
Her highlights of this year, if she could answer, may be swimming in the pool with Dad in Fargo during mom's work or wandering around the
butterfly house in Sioux Falls or
carving a pumpkin with Dad for Halloween.
He's really our sweet smiley boy. He doesn't get too worked up and is quick to give you a grin. It's amazing how different he and his hurricane sister are. He's currently coming to work with me on a daily basis and will for sure until the new year. This year was spent waiting for him longer than he's enjoyed it but he is a beautiful piece of our lives. I'll admit I'm loving his cuddles and am anxiously waiting to see what type of person he's going to become.
His highlight of the year would probably be being

To recap my year, I was blessed to be pregnant for the second year in a row - I'll admit I may not be the happiest pregnant woman but the end result is worth it. I am still at Commerce and enjoying it as I've settled into somewhat of a routine - it's a great environment with an emphasis on work-life balance, the fact that both of my kids have spent significant time there with me says something. I've also spent quite a bit of time working on the house this year...no major projects besides sorting and organizing. I feel like I was always swapping out clothes, replenishing diapers, organizing toys, moving rooms, and so on. I guess I'm working on finding my new norm.

My highlights (aside from the obvious) would be the trip to
Sioux Falls/Dutch Country and being recognized by th
e Governor and his staff for my work with the Workforce and HR Conference. I also was so happy to see photos of the kids go up on the wall... that's been a project I've been working on and playing with all year. For those that know me know how much I value our kid's photo sessions and love having them on my wall so to see that "finalize" out makes me smile.
We lost count of how many mice, voles, birds, and dragonflies Lola caught and brought back to the house as presents. We also have to go find all the collars that she managed to lose too.
We have a beautiful life in so many ways... 2 children, 1 happy home, 2 great jobs, and too much love to count. From our home to yours...may you have blessings that fill your head and heart.
The Remynses
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